Chapter Thirty Nine: Bora Vio

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Cass mustered up her strength and leaped from the bed. Her eyes darted to her lightsaber hooked to Shand's belt, and grasped at it. The weapon flew to her fingers, and the green blade ignited with a deep buzzing whir. Her gaze darkened as she positioned the blade under Shand's chin, holding it as still as Fennec's eye contact.

"A bit jumpy, I see," Shand calmly stated.

"What am I doing here?" Cass growled, edging the blade closer to the bounty hunter's pulse. Fennec's unflinching gaze made her uneasy.

"I saved you from those Imps," she answered simply. "You got knocked pretty hard."

Cass squinted and knitted her brows together. "Am I supposed to thank you?" she scoffed.

Shand shrugged and poked the corner of her mouth with her tongue."Is it conceited to say yes?"

"Just a little," Cass deadpanned.

Shand glanced down at the emerald saber and blew out a breath. "You can ease off on that thing already. I've got a plan—and luckily, it favors us both." Her eyes trailed over Cass' arm then up to her face, watching the Jedi internally squirm under her undivided attention.

Cass' grip loosened as she tilted her head. "What are you talking about?"

"I can get you to the kid," Shand responded surely, not realizing Cass had no idea what had happened on Bracca.

Cass' chest tightened, her jaw clenched.

"Omega?" she repeated. "What happened to Omega?" she seethed through grit teeth.

"Another bounty hunter took her."

"What?" the Jedi gasped shortly. She tightened her fingers around the hilt of her saber and pushed forward again. "Are you partners in this?"

"Of course not," Shand sneered, almost offended at the accusation. "Cad Bane has the guild wrapped around his finger and I'm sick of him. It's time someone new took over."

Cass groaned at the thought of the slick blue Duros she had heard about from countless other Jedi. "I couldn't care less about the guild—what do you want with me?"

"I saw you fight on Pantora." Shand leaned further back in her chair, seemingly unfazed by the weapon hovering over her jugular. "I could use your skillset."

"And what makes you think I'll help you?"

"You want the kid back, don't you?" Shand raised a brow.

She considered Fennec's offer—she had to. It's not as it she had much of a choice other than killing her right there and stealing the ship.

Cass sighed and averted her eyes away for a moment. She didn't know all the details, nor could she fully believe Shand was telling the truth—but cooperating was her best bet out of there.

The Jedi swallowed and brought her gaze back up. "And what's in it for you?"

"Just lower your weapon and I'll take you to her," Shand requested.

"What, so you can just trick me and take her for yourself-"

"-You any good with machinery?" Shand interrupted and tilted her head.

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