Chapter Thirty One: Dandoran

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"Tech, wake up," Cass gently grazed a hand through his hair, causing his eyes to creep open.

Tech craned his neck and yawned, then squinted at the blur of the Jedi before him. He search his lap and around his neck before calling out quietly.

"Cass?" he voiced out hoarsely. "Cassiopeia, where are my-"

"They're right here," Cass chirped from in front of him and laced the goggles over his head.

She pushed his curls back and set the band in place above his ears, allowing him to focus on her lopsided grin and tender eyes.

"Thank you," he nodded tiredly. His sleepy state lowered his inhibitions just slightly, enough that his gaze lingered on her and he didn't feel a need to look away. Cass noticed and brushed through his hair once more, eliciting a hum from his lips.

"Guess you were tired after all, huh?" Cass chuckled and crossed her arms as she leaned against the console.

"I suppose I underestimated my exhaustion. How long was I asleep?" he straightened in his seat and adjusted his goggles.

"Long enough," she laughed. "Dandoran isn't much further."

"Good," he nodded. He peered over his shoulder and glanced at Hunter and Echo who were trying their best not to acknowledge the fact he was cuddling with the Jedi moments ago. The child had even stolen Tech's data pad and took a photo of them for him to find later.

They averted their eyes and held back chuckles, while on the other hand Omega just stared dreamily at the couple.

Tech quirked a brow and looked back at Cass.

Having woken up immediately after Omega took said picture and caught the child in the act, Cass shrugged instead of worrying him of their antics.

"Don't mind them," Cass patted his shoulder and walked towards the hull of the ship.

Cass sighted Omega in her makeshift room, one leg hung off of the perch while she hummed and stared at the wall. When Cass inched closer, she realized Omega wasn't studying the wall, but rather the decor.

"What's all this?" Cass leaned in while resting a hand on the child's back.

"I've started a little collection of things from each new planet we visit," Omega answered and gestured her arms widely.

"Oh yeah? What do you have so far?" Cass balanced on the third rung of the stairs and leaned in to get a better look.

"This cup has dirt from Saleucami, and these two rocks are from Cordelia and the Ordo moon," Omega pointed happily to the items on the shelf. "The doll is from Pantora, the bow is from Ord Mantell, and now I have a flower from Shuldene!" she bounced happily and grasped the flower gently to twirl it between her fingers.

"This is amazing," Cass patted Omega proudly.

"I just hope the flower doesn't shrivel up quickly, it's so pretty," Omega puckered her lips and held it out towards Cass.

"Well, if you tie a string to it and hang it upside down, you can dry it out and preserve it. That way you can keep it longer," Cass suggested and hopped down the ladder.

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