Chapter Eighteen: Enjoying the View

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Hunter sat with Wrecker and Omega standing behind him, while Tech placed himself at the other end of the table. Echo stood and watched suspiciously over one certain deserter. Cass stood behind Tech with a hand on the back of his chair so she could look over his shoulder and monitor his data pad.

"I see a few new faces," Suu raised an observation as she looked around the room and set down cups of tea in front of the boys.

"Echo and Omega, Cut and Suu," Hunter announced from his chair at the end of the table. Omega kindly waved to Suu while Echo remained with this arms crossed.

"Pleased to meet you," Suu nodded.

"Ma'am," Echo acknowledged curtly.

"So," Cut began as he sipped from his tea, "Rex told us about the clone troopers turning against the Jedi."

Cass tried to ignore the remark and kept her eyes on Tech's hand movements to steady her mind.

Echo jumped at the name and stood up straighter. "You talked to Rex? When?"

"Well, he passed through yesterday," Cut answered with another sip.

"My ship ran out of fuel and he found me, then he brought me here," Cass peeped, only glancing up for a second.

"Where'd he go?" Echo looked between Cut and Cass.

"Didn't ask," Cut responded.

"The less we know about his whereabouts, the better," Cass informed Echo, though that wasn't the answer he was looking for.

"He was going on about some behavioral implant," Cut leaned forward in his chair while Suu hovered closely behind him.

Omega took a few steps forward and spoke up. "He must mean the inhibitor chip."

"The what?" Hunter gruffed with his mouth contorted into a frown.

"Inhibitor chips," Omega repeated. "The Kaminoans implanted them in the clones to modify their behavior."

"Tech," Hunter called out with his brows furrowed. "You said the regs were programmed but you never mentioned a chip."

Tech frowned. "How else did you think it worked?"

Cass held back a snicker, and continued to listen and observe. Tech barely heard the laugh escape her lips, and he bit back his own cocky grin.

"Hey Suu, where are the kids?" Wrecker questioned.

"They're in the other hut. I told them to stay inside until it was safe," she answered and walked outside, then called for the kids. The sound of little feet echoed from outside, until the two children ran in with their arms up in excitement.

"Shaeeah! Jek! Remember me?" Wrecker teased and held his arms out.

"Uncle Wrecker!" the kids cheered in unison. Wrecker threw Shaeeah up in the air and she laughed, while Jek jumped up and down restlessly. Shaeeah's attention quickly turned to the patch of blonde hair that poked out from behind Hunter's chair.

"Who are you?" she raised a brow and inched closer.

Omega slid out quietly from behind Hunter and introduced herself softly.

"We never see kids around here! Come with us," Shaeeah eagerly grabbed Omega's hand and began yanking her towards the door. Omega pulled away with resistance, and stopped to look at Hunter for approval. Hunter nodded and Omega's eyes lit up. She then followed Shaeeah and Jek outside for a game of ball.

Cut and Suu exchanged glances as they watched Hunter's scowl turn into a content grin. Hunter sipped his tea and looked behind him, only to find the couple's knowing faces looking back.

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