It wasn't my fault!

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It started out as a simple mission, on a ordinary day. Their Sensei assigned Kai and Nya to take care of a recently discovered artifact Misako had uncovered at her dig sight. Misako believed it had possible magical properties so she wanted the best security her dig sight could afford, but sadly she was not granted the funding for it by the explorers club who decided that it would be a waist of money and the artifact would not be worth the funds. Misako had told Lloyd about it over a phone call and Wu heard so he was happy to volunteer his own ninja to be security for her.

The thing was that Cole and Lloyd were on patrol for that day on the far side of Ninjago and Zane and Jay were going to Borg's to work on fixing some small minor damage the nindroid sustained after a mission, so Wu had Kai and Nya take care of it.

So right now Kai was holding on to the dash board for dear life as Nya drove like a maniac over the mountain roads. "Nya! Drive like a sane person!" Kai chides his sister loudly as he barely managed his hold on the artifact carefully wrapped in a packaged box. "Oh hush bro I got my licence we are fine," Nya said confidently before she jerks the steering wheel to the left. Kai is pretty sure if he didn't have his seat belt on he would have fallen out of the car and down the mountain below. "That does not mean your immune to car crashes," Kai states to her.

"Well if you want to drive next time choose rock instead of paper," Nya stuck her tongue out at him. Kai groans in the passenger side seat. Nya was usually careful, but get her behind a car wheel and your lucky if you even have time to put the seatbelt on before she's driving. The only reason she has never gotten her license removed yet is because the cops that come after her can never catch her or identify her either because unlike Nya they remember how fragile the human body is sometimes and how easy it is to crash cars. The only reason she got her license was because the one assessing her was too scared of driving with her a second time.

"I got this Kai I'm a much better driver and," Nya began when Kai yelled "Boulder!"

Nya barely managed to stop the car in time to keep from crashing into the massive landslide on the road that came out of nowhere whatsoever. Still she crashed the front of the car, but luckily Kai and Nya were both okay despite the condition the car was now in. It was salt on the wound when the air bag went off for Nya. Once they both caught their breaths and the air bag deflated Kai turns his angry gaze on Nya.

"Okay that's it! You are going back to drivers school," Kai states. "Oh shut up you shouldn't have distracted me," Nya defends. "You shouldn't have been driving nearly twice the speed limit on a mountain road," Kai argues. "Well you should've picked rock," Nya said. "You should have let me drive," He argues. "You blew up rocket fuel last time you drove a car," Nya said. "And I learned from that and I am so telling Sensei Wu you crashed the car Borg gave us only last week!" Kai states and Nya glares at him. "You wouldn't," he gives her a cocky grin. "I would," He said. "Than I'll tell Wu your the one who's been using the ninja emergency money to buy hair gel," Nya counters.

"That was one time!"

From there it devolved from shouting to them childishly hitting each other. While they did this the package with the artifact in it was knocked from Kai's lap and it fell out the damaged car door. The two paused when they heard it drop and looked at seeing the out packaging was damaged and they both winced. Kai quickly picked it up and began opening it too see if they damaged it.

When he opens it the two got their first look at it. It was made of old and worn stone and was in a circle pattern. It was about the size of a grocery store pie and separated into four connecting parts. Each side had unusual parts to it. One part was made of some type of dark stone with red crack marks in it like lava with a picture of fire in the middle with red outlining it, the next one was made of a glassy material with fog in it like clouds with three circles in the middle that was a orangish yellow colour, the third piece was made of a material Kai and Nya swore was ice, but when Kai touched it he didn't feel cold and it was early summer so if it was ice it should have melted by now and in the middle was a water symbol with waves and the ocean beneath them, the final was was odd, not because of the material which was some standard earthy rock material but the symbol was a circle in the middle, had a single line surrounding it and was made of some dark grassy green material they assumed was glass.

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