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The instant Kai said what was coming Yue quickly ran to the palace with Sokka and Zuko on her heels while Kai left to find Nya and Katara to warn them too.

Yue arrived at the palace to her father's court meeting where a bunch of old men were arguing with her father about letting woman fight and letting men learn healing.

"We have had these rules for centuries we are not changing them just because of some whiny brats," one states. "But we are in war councilman Tarak, we will need our benders at their strongest. And I plan on letting the non bender woman to follow suit soon," Arnook states receiving a uproar of protests.

"Father!" Yue ran up to her father's place and exclaims. "We have just been informed that the fire nation is closing in on the North Pole! The entire fire nation navy is heading in this direction as we speak," the entire room falls silent when one of the younger members laughs.

Sokka saw it was a kid his age with a finely cut blue coat, his hair half up and half down, blue eyes, coco skin, square head, and a smug stature.

"Funny Yue, but if this is something just so woman can be taught to fight than," he began when Sokka stepped forward. "Listen to her you sexist asshole! I personally know several woman who could kick your butt without trying and that includes her so shove it and listen to what she has to say," Sokka barks at the guy. He could still taste the ash from the last time a raid happened on his village and he would not let another child loose a parent from this.

Yue turns to her father. "We need to start forming a defence," she said. Arnook was quiet and thinking before he asks. "What do you believe we should do?" He asks her. She was shocked he asked her, but she didn't waist a moment. "We need to call the tribe together and get the warriors prepared. Prince Zuko?" Zuko looks up at his name. "How long do we have until they get here?" Zuko takes a moment to think.

"I can't be sure until I get more information from Kai, but my best guess is a week maybe?" Zuko guesses. "When it starts snowing ash we will know we have a day at most," Sokka added. Arnook looks at the boys than his daughter, than the council. "Call forth a meeting," he orders and the less prideful memebers nodded running off to do as ordered.

Yue looks at Sokka gratefully. "Thank you," she whispers. The council adjourned to go get the emergency meeting under way. Than that guy from before stomps up to Sokka and angrily glares at him.

"Next time shut up southern peasant. You don't know how things work here, but I'll tell you now that only council members can talk in a council and especially not woman," The guy glares and Sokka glares back. "Hahn," Yue tries to distract him, but the guy 'Hahn' ignored her.

"Why do I have to listen to you?" Sokka asks him. "Of course a southern savage peasant wouldn't be able to comprehend the complexity of the political system," Hahn said. "At least the fire nation doesn't just marry you off at the first chance they get," Zuko mutters. "What was that ash maker?" Hahn turns to him.

"Hahn stop it now!" Yue demands, but Hahn rolls her eyes at her. "Go knit with the other ladies my fiancée," Hahn said and the boys mouths dropped open. "Your engaged to this prick!? You could do better," Sokka said. "A gator pig would be better," Zuko added.

Hahn glares at the two while Yue looks away shamefully. "I'll feed you to a gator pig you ash maker. You shouldn't even be here you ugly scarred freak we should just kill," Hahn did not even get a chance to finish before Zuko kicked and punched him while simultaneously kicking him in the crotch. Hahn let out a silent scream and fell over clutching his goods.

Yue kicked his ribs for good measure. Zuko seethes at Hahn. "Never mention my scar, call him a southern peasant, or degrade this strong woman you sheltered baby," Zuko than looks at his two companions. "Let's go to that meeting," he than left as if he had not just done what he had done.

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