Return To Omashu

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Nya hated the day she was having right now, it started off nice, she was relaxing by a pond, but then these annoying travelling nomads showed up, sung annoying songs, got them stuck in a moving maze, and while the badger moles were cool, but she still got stuck with the nomads. Sokka didn't make it any better constantly complaining to her quietly the entire time.

Now that they were out she was ready to relax in Omashu's palace as Aang learned earth bending and Nya could brag to Kai about the free spa. Speaking of which they hadn't spoken to each other in awhile now, she wonders what he's up too. Now though the entire city seems to have been taken over by the fire nation!

"I can't believe this! This is horrible!" Nya hadn't seen it before the fire nation got to the city, but she could just tell the place must have looked a lot more beautiful before. "I know the war has spread far, but I always thought Omashu was..... untouchable," Aang said sadly as everyone takes a moment to mourn the loss. "It was, now Ba Sing Se is the last city left,"

Everyone turns behind them whipping out their weapons to see who had snuck up on them. They lowered their weapons though when they saw who it was.

"Kai!" Nya ran over to her brother hugging him tightly and looking him over. He was wearing his ninja gear, but looked disheveled with bruises and she noticed how he was favouring his left foot. Iroh was looking a little better than Kai physically and wearing simple earth kingdom robes, but was also looking rather tired, and broken.

"Kai, Iroh what are you doing here?" Katara asks them. "We were heading to Omashu for safety, Iroh had some connections there and we're being hunted as traitors to the fire nation," Kai explains. "Where's Zuko?" Sokka asks. Iroh looks away and it looks like he's about to start crying. "Is he?" Aang began scared to finish. "Let's just say he's fallen into a crowd we don't approve of," Kai answers.

"SHE'S A MONSTER!" Iroh bursts out angrily. Everyone looks at him, no one has ever seen him mad. "The girl is a monster!" Kai stood in front of the others in case Iroh started bending. "Iroh calm down," Kai said. "You know what that wretch did? She laughed at me! She laughed at my son!" Iroh looked ready to go full on ballistic. "Iroh calm down now! We need to get to safety!" Kai yells at him.

"What's wrong with him? Also I though The firelord was Zuko's father," Sokka whispers. "He is, but Iroh had a kid too and let's just say he isn't around anymore," Kai explains and they got the message.

Iroh was stomping his feet and looking enraged. Aang looks out at Omashu and asks. "Who was your connection?" Aang asks. "The king Bumi, we met over pai sho," Iroh answers still angry. Nya leans over to her brother and whispers. "I think he's going through the stages of grief," she whispers. Kai agrees. "When's he going to get to the denial part?" He asks. "I can hear you!" Iroh yells at them. "Not any time soon," Nya whispers.

"Iroh would you please help us save Bumi?" Aang asks. "Aang no it's too risky you can find another earth bending teacher," Katara said, but Aang shook his head. "This is about rescuing a friend not a teacher," Aang said. Iroh nodded in agreement. "Of course, I would be happy," he said. Aang looks out to Omashu and said. "I'm coming Bumi,"


The night air was cool as Zuko looks out on the horizon sighing. He wonders what uncle is doing, he is resourceful, but this is the first time in a long time Zuko hasn't had him besides him saying some wise proverb or offering him tea. "What do you think Zuzu?" Zuko looks at his sister who had been listening to Lee and Lo's advice.

The two twins were like creepy girl versions of his uncle, wise, but evil. "Your the leader here, I'm pretty sure my opinion won't matter," Zuko said so it doesn't look like he just wasn't paying attention. Azula rolls her eyes and said. "I wouldn't ask for it if I didn't need it you dummy, now tell me. What do you think about seeing some old friend?" Azula grins and Zuko knows he's going to really regret going with Azula.

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