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Kai sighs tiredly. Iroh kept shifting emotions from despair, anger, and just empty. It was getting really dangerous too because they were traveling through the earth kingdom and if anyone discovered them to be fire benders than they were good as dead.

Kai doesn't even know why he's here, like he knows he needs to get the guy somewhere safe, but it couldn't be somewhere less far? What's wrong with just settling down in a nice village? It'd be easier for Kai to slip out and go looking for Cole. Ever since learning he was somewhere in this world Kai's been looking for any sign of him and winding up with nothing but pitying looks.

"We wouldn't be here if my nephew hadn't left us to die," Kai groans as Iroh stares at his tea pot as if it was the bane of his existence. "Iroh please I can't take this headache anymore," Kai said, he had barely been able to keep them from getting caught, but they still had too many close calls because of Iroh's anger getting the better of him.

"Well go and abandon me too then! I can take care of myself," Iroh stomps off and Kai rubs his head going after him. "Are we even close to Ba sing se?" he asks. "We aren't heading to Ba sing se," Iroh said and Kai blanches. "We aren't?" he asks. "No, we are going after my traitorous nephew," Iroh pushes back some bushes and sees a fire nation encampment. "And this is our ticket too it,"

Kai quickly pulls Iroh back before he sets the camp ablaze. "Dude I understand your pretty bitter about it, but it's for the best if we just head to Ba Sing Se," He all but pleaded with the old man. "Fine! You want to go to Ba Sing Se go, but I am seeing my nephew, I want to see how happy he is now that he's betrayed me," Iroh said.

Kai groans rubbbing his temple. "Here how about we just," he looks up and saw Iroh had already charged into the camp grounds and was destroying it as he watched. "Ugh! Why did I get stuck with a old coock? Again?!" Kai groans chasing after him.

Meanwhile with the fire prince

Zuko watches silently as Mai and Ty-lee trained. Not that they needed it, but there was virtually nothing else to do. The moving fortress they were going to hunt the avatar in wasn't going to be set to travel for another week and a bit, so they were going to be stationed in this recently fire nation occupied village until then.

"Zuzu, why aren't you training too?" Azula walks into the training grounds and stands next to Zuko as he watches them. "I'm waiting for," he began when they both heard it.

Mai had thrown one of her training knives and just hit Ty-Lee's leg making her fall to the ground mid summer salt. "Ty-lee! I told you to stay out of my way!" Mai yells at her.

Zuko stands up and quickly goes over to Ty-lee as she clutches her leg crying as it bled. "Here Ty-lee give it to me," Zuko said bending down. "It's fine Zuko, I'll go," Zuko looks at her showing it was not a request and she quiets.

Zuko set his palm ablaze and Ty-lee shrieks trying to get away. "Zuzu! Don't burn her," Azula said quickly thinking her brother was crazy. "I need to practice Azula," With that Zuko put his palm down on Ty-lee. She screams, but Zuko ignores it focusing on her leg. "We have burn salve right?" Mai asks Azula.

Ty-Lee's scream dies down though and she looks confused. "It's.....not hurting?" She looks at the two confused. A few minutes later Zuko removes his hand and the girls were shocked to see the cut was now just a pale scar, but the skin around it was red like a sun burn. Zuko groans annoyed. "I thought I had it," he said.

"Zuko! You healed me!" Ty-lee exclaims. "Duh," Zuko rolls his eyes. "How did you do that? Teach me!" Azula demands. Zuko looks at her. "Once I perfect it," he answers. "Teach me now!" Azula demands. "How did you even do that?" Mai asks curious. "The water-benders showed me how they healed, and I found my own version with fire bending," he answers.

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