II: A Real Punch

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Jett never was much of a swimmer. He knew enough to be able to float, but beyond that, nothing else. So when he found himself dreaming about swimming, he was slightly perplexed.

It was dark, cold, and wet, and it was not enjoyable. The dream seemed to be very realistic – he could feel the burning of his lungs as they yearned for air. Even worse, he couldn't move, his limbs refusing to respond! Jett really didn't like this dream – it was starting to become a nightmare! He was drowning!

He struggled fiercely, starting to feel his lungs burn. He couldn't breathe. What kind of dream was this real?! Then his eyes snapped open.

It wasn't a dream at all. It was real.

His mouth opened in a soundless scream, and icy water poured in. Flailing wildly, he fought to get free, to get some air -

He was suddenly yanked backwards by his hair. Jett came out of the water, into wondrous, breathable air. The hand on his hair let go, and he collapsed onto dry ground, coughing and choking and shivering.

"Awake now?"

Jett moaned, and wrapped his arms around himself. Once again, he harbored very unpleasant thoughts against the violet-eyed flyer. Couldn't Raven just wake a person up normally?

He slowly sat up, shivering as frigid water dripped from his hair, and slid down his face and neck. Glancing around, he noticed a large bucket, filled with water, sitting nearby. So Raven had been trying to drown him. Jett ground his teeth.

There was no sense of complaining. Raven could care less what his dear pupil thought or felt. Wordlessly, Jett got to his feet, and waited. What was Raven going to try now? Red hot coals? Iron spikes? A river of molten rock? Or maybe that mysterious black cat-monster that had tried to eat him before would attack him again. Jett stiffened, trying to physically and mentally prepare himself for the torture that would surely come next.

Raven walked casually up to Jett, and stood right in front of him. "Watch," he instructed, and held up a fist. Jett paled.

Raven simply turned, and punched a wooden post that was near the bucket of water. It was amongst a group of other posts, set vertically in the ground. They were thick pieces of wood, over a foot in diameter. A training area. . .but that didn't matter now. What mattered was the series of cracks that splintered around the post, from the mere impact of Raven's blow. Jett gawked.

"That," Raven stepped back, lowering his fist, "was just a normal punch. Now, watch this."

Jett watched as the flyer took several paces back, putting a few yards of distance between the pole and himself. Stopping, Raven shifted his weight on the balls of his feet. Violet eyes narrowed and focused on their target. Then. . . Raven blurred forward, moving at inhuman speeds. Jett stared intently, barely able to make the flyer's movements. He glimpsed Raven's hand lift, then there was a loud crack! And splinters of wood were flying everywhere.

Jett couldn't believe his eyes. The post had been completely disinigrated. All that remained was a jagged stump only two feet tall. He stared with wide eyes.

"And that," Raven declared, "is a real punch."

"H-how...?" Jett stammered, feeling a new nervousness just from being near this monster.

Raven smirked. "Let's put it this way, kid. If you went out on the battlefield as you are now, you'll be dead within three seconds. Anybody who's missing both arms and legs, and maybe an eye, could easily defeat you."

Jett's ears were burning red, and he couldn't figure out why.

"You only have one thing going for you," the flyer went on, "and that's speed. See, my second punch was much more powerful. And you know why?"

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