II: The Truth

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Jett took a bite out of the gross-looking food bar. He nearly gagged and spit it out. The thing was disgusting. He looked over at Raven with pleading, watering eyes.

The flyer, who was sitting in on the ground, leaning against a smooth rock, scowled. "We're not going back in there. Just eat it – it'll fill you up, and it's full of all the good stuff."

"But it's horrible!" Jett complained. "Why can't I go get some real food?"

"I told you. I'm not going back in there."

"You don't have to go in. I'm the one who's hungry!"

"You're not going in there, either."

"Why can't I?" Jett glared at the flyer.

"Because." Raven closed his eyes, and seemed to be trying to doze.

"Because why?"

"Because I said so." The flyer's dark brow twitched in irritation.

"Why are you saying so? Is it because of Lydia?" Jett persisted, wanting to know.

"No!" Raven snapped. "It's not because of that crazed woman!"

"Then why can't I - ?"

"Just eat the bar, kid!"

Jett sighed heavily, and miserably took another bite out of it. He fought the urge to choke. It really was because of Lydia, he decided. Then he smiled. Raven was afraid of a woman. That, and he snored. Jett choked on his food, as a sudden urge to laugh gripped him.

Raven opened an eye, and looked at him curiously. "What's your problem? It's really not that bad."

Jett managed to swallow, but let out a weird sounding giggle in the process. "I'm. . .fine," he gasped. "I just thought of something. . .funny."

The flyer narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You aren't still high, are you?"

"N-no..." Jett hastily dug into the food bar, making himself busy with the act of poisoning himself. He vaguely remembered what had happened a while ago, and most of it was not pleasant. Well, the floating part was nice, actually, but the drowning was not. On the other hand, seeing Raven getting a scolding was kind of fun. Jett couldn't believe that he had gotten all giddy and started shouting to the end of the world that Raven snored.

That was really embarrassing, the more he thought about it. His ears burned bright red. He shoved the rest of the bar into his mouth, and swallowed as soon as he could. He grabbed the canteen of water that had been laying beside Raven, and chugged half of it down. Corking it, he dropped it, and grabbed his stomach as it churned threateningly.

A moment passed before it calmed down, and Jett relaxed with a faint sigh. Raven was right, he realized with some surprise. He was actually pretty full now.

"I'm going to the cafeteria next time," he declared. "I'm not eating any more of those things."

Raven shrugged. "We'll see."

Jett scowled, and leaned his head back against the rock. He winced as his left arm twinged with pain. He had to get the sling changed, since the last one was soggy. And it was all a certain someone's fault. He turned his head, and glanced at Raven.

The flyer was seemingly dozing, but Jett guessed that he was aware of everything that was nearby. This was. . .different. Since when did Raven just sit, and doing nothing? Since when did he actually let Jett sit and do nothing?

But it was. . .nice. Just to sit here, next to Raven, and relax. Jett smiled softly, and closed his eyes. This was the first time in a long time when he'd sat next to somebody in a companionable silence. He almost laughed out loud. Who knew Raven could be somebody other than a terrible killer?

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