II: Trigger

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He sat on a wooden crate, leaning back against another. The pile of stacked crates was huge, and towered nearly ten feet high. It was spread out enough that both Iern and Craig were able to find spots to perch as well.

The three trainees were silent, having sat for nearly an hour because they didn't know what else to do. Each of their flyer masters had been killed in the battle, and it seemed that they had been temporarily forgotten, as everyone else was occupied with accommodating all the new arrivals.

Suil numbly watched the going-ons, feeling hopelessly lost. A lot of various flyers were gathering, and it seemed like more arrived every ten minutes. Then there were the big processions of the Troit infantry, as hundreds of soldiers marched into the camp. It was becoming very crowded, and incredibly noisy as Commanders shouted out instructions at tired, grumbling subordinates.

His stomach suddenly growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten in nearly a day. Suil glanced at Iern, who sat beside him. The former bully was pale, and very quiet. His well-built form seemed strangely weak, as his shoulders were nervously hunched and his hands shook ever so slightly. Gone was his smug arrogance, having been replaced by a sullen humility.

Suil looked away with a sigh. It wasn't just Iern; he himself had learned that he was far from being ready to face such a nightmare. He'd froze at first sight of the war machines, and had shook with fear throughout the entire battle.

How had Jett done it? Jett had run out into the battlefield, and faced those giant monsters head on. And he helped take down four of them, but he'd nearly died in the process. Even so, Suil's small friend had been braver than any of them.

His stomach growled again, wrenching with a sharp hunger pain. Maybe it was time to find some food. At the very least, it would give him something to do.

"Hey," he softly said. Both Iern and Craig looked up at him, their expressions just as bleak as he felt. "Are you guys hungry?"

Craig shrugged silently, while Iern mumbled an "I guess."

Suil smiled weakly, hesitantly. "Then how 'bout we go find some food?" He got to his feet, and waited. Craig was the first to join him, then Iern as well, after a moment of hesitation. It was obvious that he didn't want to be left alone.

That was fine with Suil. Even though he didn't like the former bully, he could understand the way Iern felt. "C'mon." He began wandering towards a group of soldiers who were currently standing around; perhaps they'd be able to point them towards a food tent or something.

The five soldiers seemed to be deeply engrossed with their conversation, in which they were discussing. . .

". . .really is the best cake! No other kind is better than hers!"

More than one of the soldiers rolled their eyes. "You're just saying that because she's your fiance, Ryan."

"No I'm not!"

"Yeah, you are. And I've seen the stuff she makes - it doesn't even look like food!"

"Hey - !"

"Um. . .hello?" Suil broke in, standing right beside the two soldiers who had been arguing. Both jerked in surprise, not having noticed the teenager the whole time. The group fell silent for a moment, taking in the three boys who looked rather worse for the wear.

The young soldier who'd been defending his girlfriend's cooking was the first to respond. "Hey. . .you guys are those flyer kids, aren't you?" He peered at them curiously, his pale brown eyes reminding them of a cat.

"That's us," Suil agreed, relaxing a little. Observing the group, he noticed that everyone of the soldiers were not that much older than him - all had to be in their early twenties, or very late teens. It was a sobering thought.

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