Chapter 25

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Anger flowed through Sapphira's body as she set foot back in her house. Percy ran out in front of her, clearly happy to be back home again and running over to his favourite spot. "That asshole." Sapphira all but screamed as she slammed the door shut behind her, "Oh look at me I'm so important, nobody cares about your little shop, I'll show him..." 

The energy radiated off of her, whirling around her as she turned around using her wand to lock the door. Once she was sure that it was secured she wiped back around, ready to march down into the basement. "I'll fucking show him." She said nearly running down the stairs, rounding each corner faster and faster. 

The second she entered her potions room the candles around it were lit, as was the fire underneath the cauldron. "If you want me so bad... you need to find me first." She said with a smirk as the ingredients started to move to the cauldron... 

Confused, but with a purpose Mason walked down the hallway of the packhouse, making his way over to the Alpha's office. The closer he got, however, the clearly he could hear the sounds of anger and destruction. His pace quickly shifted from walking to speed walking, to full-on running to the office. Once he reached the door he saw it was hanging off its hinges and the room was fully destroyed. 

"What the..." He muttered as his attention turned to a seething Luke, his eyes a bright yellow as he continued his path of destruction. "Oh, shit..." Luke muttered as he moved over to his friend, "Luke stop it, we'll find her!" He said grabbing him and trying to stop him. 

Instead of listening to Mason Luke continued thrashing around until eventually Mason was flung against the wall. Groaning Mason sat on the floor still observing Luke, who apparently had somewhat snapped out of it. 

"Mason..." He breathed, panting, "I'm so sorry." He added, his eyes flashing between their usual blue and the wolf yellow, "I... I just..." 

"It's alright." Mason said as Luke helped him up, "We'll find her." 

Now Mason didn't quite know what had happened between the two, but he felt like now wasn't the right time to ask... Quickly Luke started moving away from his office as Mason followed, "What's the plan?" He said following his Alpha. 

"I'm gonna head to her store see if she's there." Luke said practically running outside, "You checked her cabin!" He yelled back at Mason right before he shifted and ran off into the forest.

"Alright..." Mason muttered to himself with a sigh, "I'll go and do that." As he took of in the opposite direction. 

By now Luke was simply running, running through the forest to get to the small witches shop. He knew that once he neared the town he would have to shift back, there would be humans there. As he shifted back however, he realised something else, her shop had to be on the supernatural side of things, only supernatural's allowed most likely. He didn't even know where it was...

As he walked through the town he tried to figure out his next move, where should he go? It was then that an idea hit him... He simply needed to find another supernatural and ask them if they knew how to get to the store. 

Closing his eyes he breathed in deeply through his nose, taking in all the scents around him. 


Opening his eyes he looked around, and soon his eyes fell on a rather petite male, carrying what appeared to be two bags of groceries. WIthout thinking he walked over to him, starteling the poor creature in the process. 

Luke sighed, "Do yo know where the witches shop is?" 

"I'm sorry what?" The fairy said looking up at him, "I don't know what you're talking about." 

"Look, fairy, you better start talking or this wolf will show his teeth." He said, allowing his eyes to turn yellow. 

The faries eyes flashed a fearful pink as the creature backed away, "Alright..." He said looking down, "Down the road, then take a left and then just look for the sign." 


"Yeah only those like us can see it." He replied. 

Luke nodded as he started walking, that was however, before he stopped, turned around and quietly thanked the fairy before briskly continuing his journey.

Following the instructions he made his way over to the location, where his eyes fell upon an interesting looking store. 'Apothecary', the sign above it read. But as he got closer it shifted to exactly what he was looking for. 

He nearly ran over to it, and noticed how the sign read closed. As he got close he looked through the window, trying to see if she was inside, but it was dark and appeared to be empty. 

"There's no use boy." An elderly voice spoke up from behind him, "I already tried, she's not in today, I hope she's alright though..." 

Luke's head wipped around and behind him stood an elderly lady, carefully observing him. By the look of her legs and the scent on her he realised that she had to be a faun. "I came to pick up my medicine, but alas." She said shaking her head. 

"She's supposed to be open today?" He asked. 

The elderly woman nodded, "She's nearly everyday open, and the times are posted over there. They update if she needs a different schedule, not once has that sign been wrong, that was however, until today. Like I said, I just hope she's alright." The woman said before continuing on her way. 

Luke looked back at the store, the woman was right, there were the opening times and the store was open nearly everyday...

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