Chapter 15

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As the two of them left the building Luke immediately started walking towards the forest, "So what do you suggest?" He said walking briskly. 

"There's a couple of options, I could use a broom and search from the sky-" She started but was interrupted. 

"Out of the question."

"Unsurprising..." Sapphira replied, "The next option would be to track him using an item of his." 

"How would that work?" Luke replied stopping and turning towards her. 

"Scent, energy a lot of things can be traced," Sapphira said crossing her arms. 

Luke chuckled, "You think you can trace a scent better then a werewolf?"

"You'd be surprised."

"Are there any other options?" Luke asked, an eyebrow raised. 

"I can use the forest, to track him, but with what happened yesterday I don't know if I have the energy for that." 

"What?" Luke asked confused, looking at her intently. 

Sapphira sighed squatting down to the ground and placing a hand on it, "Using my magic I can 'sense' the forest so to say, I can feel the area around me, try to locate things... But right now my magic is still a little off from the little adventure we had yesterday, so I can't reach that far..." She paused for a moment closing her eyes and then opening them again, "Unless..."

"Unless what?" Luke asked taking a step closer as Sapphira stood back up again.

"Unless I get my hands on a potion, I've got one that could help with this." She said dusting the dirt off her hand, "But that would require me to go to my cottage. 

Luke sighed looking away for a moment, "And what would that do?" 

"That's not that easy to explain," Sapphira said sighing as well, "It, in a way, can replenish magic, make it stronger until it wears off. I know it sounds vague, but it would make tracking the boy quite easy..." 

Luke nodded, staring off in the distance, as he was clearly contemplating his options. As he did so Sapphira watched him intently, clearly seeing the internal struggle before her, why was this so difficult for him? 

"Alright..." Luke suddenly said out of nowhere as he looked her dead in the eye, "We'll go to your cottage and pick it up." 

Sapphira's eyebrows shot up, but she nodded non the less as he continued. 

"Let's go," He said as he turned around and started walking. 

"My cottage is in the other direction," Sapphira said as she remained rooted in her spot.

"Yeah but my car is this way," Luke said as he jingled his keys. 

Surprised once more Sapphira didn't say anything as she simply jogged up to him and followed him to a sleek black car. 

"Fany car," Sapphira commented walking to the passenger's side of it.

"I know," Luke said, a smirk clear on his face. 

"I'm sure you do." 

Before she knew it, however, Luke stood in front of her holding the car door open for her. Completely baffled by the speed by which he moved Sapphira looked at him in confusion for a moment, "What the..." She muttered as a smile appeared on his face. 

"Such a gentleman," She said stepping into the car as Luke closed the car door and went over to the driver's side. 

"I try." Luke said starting the car. 

"If only that had been there before," Sapphira mused, "Unlike that caveman, I saw this morning."

Luke chuckled as he put the car in gear, "I guess there is just more than one side to me."  

As they drove off Sapphira pondered whether she should guide him to her cottage, as the roads were very different from the paths in the woods. Something, however, told her that he already knew the way, and so she stayed silent. 

She noticed, however, that Luke kept looking at her, carefully glancing when he thought she wasn't looking. 

"I would be a lot more at ease if you kept your eyes on the road," Sapphira said, staring out of the passenger's side window. 

Luke sighed, "I would be a lot more comfortable if we actually had finished our conversation."

Sapphira groaned, "I'm sure we'll get to do so once we find your missing kid." 

Luke was about to reply when they reached a clearing, "We're here." Sapphira said, knowing full well that her house wasn't reachable by car and that the last bit had to be done on foot. Luke simply nodded as he parked the car. 

Quickly she got out of it and started making her way over to her cottage. She heard Luke close his door behind her and lock the car before he jogged up to her.  

Once more they remained quiet as walked up to the cottage. As they reached it, however, Sapphira realised something... The door was open.

"Shit," She murmured as she got closer to it. Carefully she placed her hand upon the door frame, and luckily she noticed that the protection spells were still in place.  

A sigh of relief left her mouth as she entered her house, Luke following closely behind her. 

"So what do you need?" He asked, looking around the house. 

"A potion." She said walking into the kitchen.

Luke followed her and as he walked into the kitchen he noticed that she was using her wand to open another door. This door, however, was very small in looked very old. As the door swung open Sapphira went through it.

"Careful," She said to him, "The door is very low."

"I noticed," Luke said bowing his head as he followed her through the door and down stone stairs. As they walked further into what he assumed to be the basement it became darker and darker. 

That was until she held up her wand and a small light emitted from the tip of it. Luke, however, didn't mind the dark, his werewolf eyes helping him to see in the darkness. 

The stairs, however, seemed to go on for too long for it to be just a basement. There were several points where Luke thought they would reach the bottom of it, but somehow they just didn't.

"Where are we?" He said, as the air around them got colder. 

"In my basement," Sapphira said softly, as they continued their descent.

"I had noticed that, but this seems to be a special kind of basement." He commented. 

Sapphira let out a chuckle, "It's a little bit deeper then normal and connects to a tunnel system." 

"A tunnel system?" Luke said confused.

"Yeah, they are old, but I still use them," She said as the stairs turned around a corner and started spiralling, "When the witches got hunted they created tunnels where they could meet in peace. These are one of those tunnels, as they can only be opened by witches." 

"Where do they lead to?"

"Different places, though some entrances have been closed off permanently." Sapphira said softly, "Like the one that ends up in the middle of your territory. A witch used to live there before the wolves claimed the terrain and killed her off." 

A part of Luke wanted to respond, to tell her that she was wrong. Deep down, however, he knew that she was right. He'd heard the stories of how his family had hunted down the witch, claimed her land and killed her. Something he used to be proud off...

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