Chapter 28

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Let me start off by saying I'm sorry for not updating for so long. I got stuck with the story and didn't quite know how to continue. Then I started working on my thesis, and I didn't have the time to continue writing. (which is also why many other stories didn't get any recent updates). 

I'm still working on my thesis, but I decided to write another chapter for this story. I read the comments, saw my messages and decided to write an extra long, new chapter. I hope you enjoy it!



As the rest of the pack retreated, Sapphira and Luke stood there, their eyes locked on each other. Neither of them seemed even to notice them leave.

"Why?" Luke gritted out, his hands clenching into fists, and Sapphira could've shown she saw a hint of claws there.

"I already told you," Sapphira replied, not backing down, "Now, you cannot force me into anything."

He opened his mouth to say something but seemingly stopped. His chest heaved as his eyes bore into hers, a yellow glint dancing around in them.

He had wanted to say this was ridiculous, that he wasn't forcing her into anything. I mean, he only wanted to have what was his god-forsaken right. His birthright. All he wanted was to have his mate with him. The mate he had waited nearly eleven years for. The one who he almost feared he wouldn't have...

But then there she was... The witch he once despised so much was destined to be his forever. So, he had acted as he was supposed to act like he was taught to act. He had acted like a true wolf, as any of them would've done in his place.

Sapphira eyed him carefully as she saw the inner turmoil take place. His eyes still bore into hers as the yellow moved around, threatening to slowly but surely take over. The scent of blood hit her as her eyes drifted to his fits; he had dug his claws into his hands and cut himself. She frowned, debating for a split second if she'd done the right thing.

"I-," He croaked out, his voice hoarse, strained almost. His eyes shone brightly yellow for a moment as he clenched them shut. When he opened them again, they had gone back to their usual brown, "I guess we need to talk." He sounded exasperated.

Sapphire nodded, noting how his fits were still clenched, and he seemed incredibly tense. "We can go into my cottage-"

"No!" He cut her off, and yellow flashed in his eyes for a moment, "That's... I don't think that's a good idea."

She eyed him carefully, slightly startled at this reaction, "Why not?"

"I don't want to damage it."

At that, her eyebrows shot up, "Damage it?"

Luke didn't respond right away as he took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment as if steadying himself and then his fists unclenched. Despite the fact that the wounds had closed up by now, it was clear that his claws had dug into his skin as blood covered them.

His eyes opened as he looked at her once more, "It's my wolf." He said in a stern tone, "He is- not happy."

Sapphira didn't quite know how to respond as her eyebrows furrowed.

"He-," He started again, "Gets restless, aggressive even. Most of the time I can keep him under control, calm him, but now..." He let the rest of that sentence dangle, but Sapphira seemed to understand what he meant.

Her eyes widened as she stared at him, "Aggressive?" She repeated, smoke billowing around him as she took a step closer to him, "Can't you- Can't you calm it down now?"

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