Chapter 14

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So now here they stood, both standing on one side of the desk, staring at each other with malice in their eyes, practically daring the other to speak first. 

For how long this stalemate would have gone on, I couldn't tell you, because right at that moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come in Mason," Luke said with a growl. 

"I would but the door is locked," Mason said from the other side of the door. 

Luke sighed as he walked over to the door and unlocked it. 

As Sapphira sat back down in her chair, the door behind her swung open, revealing Mason. 

"Have you seen Christian?" Mason asked, with a worried look on his face.

"Christian?" Luke said as a confused look crossed his face, "No, why do you ask?"

"This morning we found some unknown footprints at the border, I thought it was nothing, but Christian wanted to check it out," Luke said stepping further into the room and closing the door behind him. "I told him it was fine and I haven't seen him since. But I just ran into Terri who was incredibly worried, as he isn't responding to her." 

Luke nodded, his confusion has turned into determination and understanding, "So you think something happened to him?"

"Yeah, I tried contacting him myself, but I've had no luck. I've also sent out a team, but I haven't heard back from them either. I'm worried, Luke, what if something actually happened to him?" Mason said as he looked out of the window and into the surrounding woods.

Luke looked at Sapphira for a moment, who was quiet, before looking back at Mason, "I get your concern, but Christian is a very capable wolf, I'm sure he's fine. But none the less I'll join the search in a moment." He concluded. 

"I know..." Mason said grabbing the back of the chair that stood next to Sapphira's, "I mean he's just so young... His mom will kill me if something happens to him."

At that, however, Sapphira spoke up, "Young?" She said turning to Mason, "How young?" 

With sorrow in his eyes Mason looking at the witch, "17." 

"What?!" Sapphira exclaimed, looking back and forth between the Alpha and his Beta, "That's just a child! Why did you send him out on is own?"

"He is of age," Luke said, causing Sapphira to turn around and look at him, "He has been training for a year, so he should be fine." 

"Training?" Sapphira said utterly and completely confused at this point, "Look I may not understand or condone your ways, but if you need help tracking this boy, I can help." 

"That's out of the question." Look immediately replied.

Mason, on the other hand, paid no attention to him, "What can you do?" He asked Sapphira.

"Witches are excellent trackers," Sapphira said, also not minding Luke's comment, "And I could send out Percival." 

"Percival?" Mason asked.

"Yeah, could you open that window?" Sapphira said, her eye suddenly having fallen on something outside that particular window. 

"Sure?" Mason said walking over to the window on his right, opening it.

Suddenly a black shape galloped through the window and into the office, taking both wolves by surprise. At that moment, both of their eyes turned bright yellow as the black shape jumped onto Sapphira's lap.

"Oh calm down." She said stroking Percy, who now lay calmly purring in her lap, "It's just a cat. With a present." She added, holding up her wand. 

"What the-." Mason started as he was interrupted by Luke. 

"Where did that come from?" He said, disdain clear on his face.

"The window, clearly," Sapphira responded in a dull tone, "Now let's find your boy." 

Luke looked at Sapphira with distrust as she directed herself to the cat on her lap. 

"Now Percy, I need you to find a 17-year-old werewolf named Christian, can you do that?" She softly said. 

In response, the cat looked up and gave her a look that if he had been human would have been, really? Now? He then jumped up from her lap and onto the desk. Using her wand Sapphira used the same spell as she'd used earlier that day. 

In the meantime, the werewolves just stared at the witch and the cat with confusion. Neither of them said anything, both really unsure as to what was happening.

The cat then jumped off the desk and out of the window once more, disappearing in the woods.

Sapphira then stood up from her chair, "Well let's get going then." She said, "It's not like this conversation was going anywhere." She added, turning to Luke. 

"You're not going anywhere," Luke said, standing up as well.

Sapphira sighed, "Look we can try and continue later on, but I believe that right now finding the child you send out on his own, has priority, don't you agree." She said placing her hands on her hips.

Luke was about to open his mouth when Mason spoke up as well, "She's right Luke, we need to find him. If she can help, let her." 

In response, Luke sighed and turned around to look out of the window. For a moment the Alpha pondered his options, could he let her out like that? At the same time another question formed in his head, could he stop her with that wand?

He turned back around to face two people that stood on the other side of his desk, "Fine, but you're staying with me." He said to Sapphira. "You go out and take Eric with you, search the outside perimeter." He said to Mason. 

"Yes sir," Mason said, immediately leaving the office and leaving the door open behind him. 

Sapphira sighed, "Well I guess this will have to do." She said lowly, "Let's get going." 

Luke nodded as the two of them walked out of the office. Sapphira followed him through the house and to another door to the outside. 

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