The cafe

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Adoras POV:

Me and catra when downstairs to go meet bow and glimmer after talking for a while and bonding over legends of Korra

"Hey adora!" Glimmer said waving

Hey guys ! Guys this is catra my roommate and catra this is bow and glimmer"

"Sparkles and crop top got it" catra said

"I like it!"

"My name is GLIMMER!"

"That's what I said sparkles" catra said crossing her arms and looking away


"Oh and glimmer guess what" I said

"What?" Glimmer asked

"Catra watch's legends of korra!!" I said jumping up and down

"NOO!" Bow and glimmer yelled

"YES!" Me and catra yelled then we all started laughing

"How do u guys NOT like it? What's there not the like" I said

"All the character are just Ugh and the show itself is BLAH" glimmer said

"Exactly" bow said

"Let me guess ur a korra simp to huh?" Glimmer asked catra

"Uhh duh! Who wouldn't be a korra simp" catra said laughing

"ME!" Glimmer said laughing

"Whatever let's get going guys!" Bow said we all walked outside got into bows car and bow obviously out the roof down because it's tradition  (bow has one of those cars where the roof can be on or off btw) then bow started driving to the cafe

(Time skip)

"We're here!!" Bow said getting out of the car

"Finally I'm so hungry" I said

"Then let's go inside we wouldn't want the princess starving not would we" catra said smirking And I blushed 'that's kinda hot ngl-.' I thought to myself 'WAIT WHAT NO U JUST MET HER!' I screamed in my head and then walked inside

We sat down at a booth because booths are amazing We talked for a while and got some food and drinks

"So did u get ur mark catra?"

"Yeah I did" catra said eating her food

"What is it?"

"I prefer not to say"

"Aww" glimmer whined

"Why not?" Bow asked

"I don't know I just don't really care about the whole soulmate thing I guess" catra said

"Eh that's fine" bow said and we finished our food in a comfortable silence until my worst nightmare came in the cafe he spotted me and started walking over to our table

"Oh great" I said rolling my eyes

"Adora! Long time no see!"

"What do u want josh" I said

"Nothing just wanted to see my baby!"

"I'm NOT ur baby"

"Go away josh nobody likes u" glimmer said

"Adora clearly does"

"Clearly she doesn't considering how she said u name" catra said sipping her drink

"And who are u?"

"Who are u?"

"I asked first" josh said crossing his arms

" and I asked second" catra said while laughing

"That's josh my..... ex" I said

"You know u still love me baby" josh said

" I don't know if u noticed but last time I checked it her EX which means she DOESNT like u" glimmer said

"What do u know glitter!"

" a lot more then u" glimmer said sipping her drink

"Can U leave josh! Nobody wants u here!" I said

"Not until u admit u still want me"

"I don't now leave."

"Fine but I'll be back babe"

"Yay bye leave and never come back!" I said

"Bye baby!" He yelled

"I'll drop kick u into fire!" I yelled back

"I hate him" bow said

"Me to" glimmer said

"So that was ur ex?" Catra asked

"Sadly yes" I said

"So ur straight?" Catra asked

"HA NO! I dated him before I found out" I said while laughing

"Oh that makes more sense" catra said

"Anyways! We aren't gonna let josh ruin our best friends squad meal!" Bow said

"Best friends what?"

"We are the best friends squad!" Bow said

"I never agreed to that" catra said while laughing

"Once I say ur apart of it u can't leave! It's rude"

"Whatever crop top" catra said smiling

(Time skip)

Catras POV:

After the cafe we all went back to our dorms me and adora watched more episodes of LOK and then I heard a knock on the door I went to go get it and I saw Lonnie Scorpia and entrapta

"Hey guys" I said letting them in

"Hey wildcat!" Scorpia said as I closed the door

"Who's that?" Adora asked facing me

"Oh this is Lonnie Scorpia and my sister entrapta"

"So this is the cute g-." I cut Lonnie off with my hand

"Sharing isn't always caring" I said to her I looked at adora and she was blushing she's cute when she's flustered

"Hi adora" Scorpia said and walked over to adora giving her a hug

"Scorpia I-i can't breathe" Adora said

"Oh sorry!" Scorpia said putting her down

"So ur the famous adora" Lonnie said looking at adora

"Hi" Adora said waving But Lonnie kept staring at her

"Hmm.... she seems cool" Lonnie said looking back at me

"Do u guys have any tiny foods here?" Entrapta asked

"Nope" I said

"Dang it.." entrapta said looking down

(Another time skip)

Entrapta Scorpia and Lonnie had left and me and adora were back on the couch watching LOK we were watching it for a while then i felt something on my shoulder I looked over and saw adora sleep I didn't want to wake her so I just stayed there until I feel asleep to

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