Operation catradora is a go!

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Glimmers POV:

As soon as I woke up I ran into bows room

"BOW' I yelled


"Get up! We need to put our plan into action!"

" operation catradora?"

"OPERATION CATRADORA!" I said jumping up and down

"Ooo yess!!! Let's text them in the group chat" bow said

"Ok!!" I said getting my phone and going to our group chat

Best friends squad
Me: guys!
Cat🐈: hi
Me:we are all going to a really fancy restaurant today
Adora💗: WHYYY
Cat🐈: what time r we going💀
Me: 10 o'clock wear something hot! Byee
Cat🐈: bye sparkles
Adora💗:bye glim

"Step one of complete!" I said and gave   bow a high five

"Perfect!" Bow said

(Time skip)

Catras POV:

Sparkles told me that we're going to some fancy restaurant I really didn't want to go but I had nothing better to do so yeah

But anyways I was sitting in my room on my laptop when I heard adora yell



"DID EAT MY FOOD!" Adora said stomping into my room

"Uhh....uhhh.. maybe?" I said

"IM GONNA KILL U!" Adora said then she ran towards me and then tackled me

"How dare u"

"I was hungry princess I'm sorry" I said then I noticed to position we were in.. I guess adora noticed to because she blushed and got off as faster then flash

"S-sorry but u owe me now" Adora said

"No I don't we're going to a restaurant you can eat there" I said laughing

"Whatever" Adora said playfully rolling her eyes and then she hopped on my bed

"What's ur mark" she asked smirking

"Wow ok that was random!"

"Seriously I wanna know!!!"

"Why would u want to know?" I asked and adora shrugged

"Well I haven't met mine yet and urs is the only one I've never seen sooo" Adora said

"But u probably aren't even my soulmate so it wouldn't matter" I said

"Yeah probably I guess I'm soulmate less" Adora said laughing

"U aren't soulmate less what if ur soul mates just scared to tell u"

"Well that's just silly I can't reject my SOULMATE!"Adora said laughing

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