Sleep over

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Adoras POV:

It's been a few weeks since the josh incident he's rotting in jail so y'know pretty happy about that! But anyways catra has been sleeping with me because of the nightmares. I don't really get them a lot anymore ever since catra starting sleeping with me

BUT besides that!! I REALLLYY wanna know who catras soulmate is.. or at least was the mark looks like SO I decided I was going to take matters into my own hands! When she's sleep tonight I'm going to look under her glove! Pretty easy...

"Hey adora" catra said

"Hey catra!" I said getting off the couch

"Glimmer and bow should be here abou-." I was cut off by a Knock on the door

"Now" I said and I went to go open the door

"Hey adora hey catra!" Glimmer said I opened the door wider so they could come in one they were in I closed the door

"So what's up?" Catra asked

"We are having a best friends squad sleepover"

"I still never agreed to that" catra said laughing

" TO BAD!" Glimmer said

"Where r u guys even gonna sleep" I asked

"Me and bow have sleeping back so we can sleep on the floor and u two can sleep on the couch!" Bow said

"Ohhhkayyy" catra said going into the kitchen


"We have had sleep overs before bow" I said laughing

"Yeah I know WE have but we haven't had one with our newest member" glimmer said

"Still never agreed to that but ok!" Catra said walking over to the couch

"Best friends squad sleepover officially starts now! Glimmer ur in snack duty!" Bow said

"UGHHHH finee" glimmer whined and walked over to the kitchen me and bow went over to the couch and bow out his and glimmers sleeping bags on the floor eventually glimmer came back with the snacks and we started talking we watched some tv but then we got bored

(Time skip)

"So what do u guys wanna do now?" Catra asked

"Scary movies?"

"Fear street?"

"YUP!" Glimmer said as she out in fear street

(Another time skip)

"Cant believe they did Kate like that" I said

"A bread cutter? REALLY?" Catra said

"I know right she didn't deserve it!" I said

"What happened to bow?" Catra asked and pointed at him

"Never again.. never watch scary movies EVER AGAIN!" Bow said

"Aww I'm sorry baby" glimmer said and kissed bows forehead

"K well now we have to watch the owl house" I said

"Whyyy" glimmer whined

"Because u can't watch a scary movie and then go to bed" bow said

"Fineeeee" glimmer said and I turned on the owl house


It was about 1 am and everyone was sleep sooo I decided to make my move I looked over at catras hand and I tried to take the glove off I was SO close and then glimmer woke up

"Adora what are u doing" glimmer asked

"Nothing!" I whispered

"U we're looking at catras mark weren't u!"

"N-no!! This is a dream! Go to sleeeeeeeeppp" I said

"Oh come on adora I'm not five" glimmer said
"Aww u wanted to see if ur crush was ur soulmate" glimmer said teasing me

"Go to sleeeeeeeep!" I said

"I'm so teasing u about this in the morning" glimmer said laughing and then finally fell back asleep

'I'm gonna hate tomorrow' I thought to myself before falling asleep

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