A drive to nowhere

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Adoras POV:

Classes were pretty boring as always nothing really happened and we didn't learn a lot of new stuff we only review  what we learned a few days ago but FINALLY classes were over so I went back up to my dorm when I got there catra wasn't there so I decided to just watch some tv for a bit then I got I text from glimmer

Glim💗✨:hey adora
Me: sup glim
Glim💗✨: nothing much I just wanted to tell u bow has something planned for us today
Me: where are we going
Glim💗✨: not sure bow didn't tell me but anyways come over catra and Lonnie are here!😏
Me:don't even glimmer I'll be there in a bit
Glim💗✨:kk! Dress nice to impress ur crushhhhhh😏😏
Me:AHHH! I'll be there soon love u
Glim💗✨: love u to

I turned the tv off and my phone off then walked down to glimmers room

*knock knock*

Then bow opened the door

"Hey adora!" Bow said and opened the door wider letting me in

"Hey bow hey guys"

"Hey" they all said and I sat down on the couch

"Aww adora u didn't dress up for ur crush~"

"ADORA HAS A CRUSH?" Bow yelled and I blushed


"She totally has a crush" catra said

"Yup 100%" Lonnie said

"No I don't! I like nobody!" I said crossing my arms

"Rightttt" glimmer said sitting down on the couch.

Catras POV:

It hurt a lot knowing adora has a crush on someone else even more reason NOT to tell her I'm her soulmate... I feel a bit bad for keeping it from her but I'm just not ready yet...I just don't want her to leave once she finds out... like she did.. the she in this case was this girl named Katie I had a crush in her in like middle school... one I told her to blew up at me saying she never wanted to see me again

After that I never really had to many crushes or dated anyone. I was afraid... I'm afraid of
Rejection or of being rejected

(AMITY BLIGHT??? *grom flashbacks*)

"Catra are u ok? U zoned out for a while.." Adora asked looking concerned

"Uh yeah I'm fine" I said

"Well anyways like I was saying we are going on a drive"

"Where?" Lonnie asked

"To nowhere" bow said getting up and getting his keys

"Wait what?" Glimmer asked

"I mean we're just gonna drive around blasting music and having fun!" Bow said

"Sounds fun crop top" I said getting up..

Everyone else got up and walked out of the dorm we got in the elevator and made our way downstairs

"It's josh RUN!" Adora yelled and we all ran outside laughing

"GET IN GET IN HURRY!!" Bow said me adora and Lonnie sat in the back and glimmer and bow sat in the front then we saw josh run out and we all started laughing

"STEP ON IT BOW!" Glimmer said between laughs

"ADORAAAAAAAA" josh yelled and we all started laughing harder

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