Mr. Smith [OLD]

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I remember thinking to myself the first day that what I was doing was wrong, although all of the feelings in the pit of my stomach were telling me it was right. No matter what I should have been fúcking my teacher.

He told me once that is get an A on my mid module exams and not fail that quarter of the year and possibly not fail the whole class. I did what Mr.Smith told me to do without hesitation.

I sucked his uncut cóck and savoured every the taste of his precum that dripped onto my tongue. I can distinctly remember the sent of Mr. Smith's pubes as my nose brushed against them as I took in his entire cóck.

I had let Mr. Smith take his time when he got to my ass, how unexperienced I was back then. He had buried his face between my asś cheeks licking at my tight hole, fingering me slowly as to prep me for his cóck.

I cannot say it was the best feeling I had ever felt but I can say that it was exceptionally pleasant after I became used to the feelings it made in my stomach.

After Mr. Smith was done prepping me as best he thought I needed he turned me onto my back to actually fvck me like he said would happen.

It wasn't what I had expected at all. It felt like someone was sticking a soft bottle up my asś and i squirmed for a while trying to get comfortable.

That day I had rode my teacher's cóck all he wanted me to, and I let him whisper degrading things in my ear which oddly turned me on.

I got an A as well as a good letter on my report card, and my mother was quite pleased.

From that day on I told Mr. Smith he could use my slútty asś whenever he needed to, as long as there was something in it for me.

I haven't gotten a B in that class since.


A/N-Hey, I know I haven't written in so long. I literally just woke up and wrote this sloppily for you guys. XD





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