Built for Blame [OLD]

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This is a contest entry, it is also a song fiction one shot. Song, Built For Blame by Get Scared. Song on side. --->>>

"You don't understand...Hunter, I loved you. I don't throw that word around a lot so why would you think that I was just playing with you? You never opened your eyes and saw that I was trying to help you through this. You used to be open, I was able to get into your heart.." I sighed sitting down in Hunter's computer chair running my hands through my shaggy blonde hair. Hunter just wouldn't talk to me. I knew he was depressed but there was a day when he would smile at me and tell me everything was okay. He just..he's changed.

"Jake.." Hunter sighed rubbing his face with the palms of his hands letting out a frustrated groan. That's all he ever does, sigh and groan, if not that he's crying. I hate to see him like this, I want the old Hunter back. I want the Hunter that would laugh and fool around with me. Hunter looked at me his brown eyes filled with pain and unshed tears. "I can't do it anymore," he confessed making me cock my head at him. He's finally saying words.

"What can't you do?" I asked making him look at me with a dumbfounded expression. Was I suppose to know what he could or couldn't do? I was his boyfriend but I wasn't a mind reader, I could hardly even read my own mind as it was. Now he's expecting me to get everything when he doesn't even drop any hints.

"I can't just smile and tell you there is nothing wrong. I am dying inside and you just sit there telling me that there is nothing wrong and to get over it. How do I get over it? You don't know how hard it is for me. I was Randy's best friend, not you! And I'm the one who saw him get hit with that truck, not you!" The tears started flowing out of Hunter's eyes forcefully and I couldn't move. My bottom lip started quivering and I took a big intake of breath.

"You think this easy on me? I am the one who had to watch as they scraped his body off of the road as I held you to my chest so you wouldn't have to see it. Do you know how hard it is to watch some one you used to know get his brains scraped off of pavement? No, because you were too much of a baby to look. I am sick of you bringing out the pity card. This has brought me problems, too." I was furious. He doesn't know what Randy's death had done to me and what does he do? He sits there and acts like it is all my fault this had happened. It's more his fault than mine. He was the one playing ball with Randy when it happened.

"Shut up, Jake! I am sick of you turning everything around on me. I can't take you anymore. Just because you had to watch doesn't mean you have to remind me 24/7. I know, you watched, you watched, you watched. That's all you ever say. Why don't you stop acting like a child and grow the fuck up? I mean, how hard could it be?" I looked at Hunter with a blank face. Me grow up? Me? He's the one crying like a baby every night while I'm sitting and watching, getting him what he wants. I clean up after his messes. I do his laundry. He's the child, not me.

"Don't tell me to grow up you inconsiderate bastard. I don't need this shit. I have enough problems. Next time you need something from me don't even ask. I'm leaving. I'm done. Do this by yourself since you are so grown up. I'll get my stuff tomorrow while your at work. I'll leave the key on the counter and we'll be done then. Nothing else. By Hunter," I sighed grabbing my phone off of his desk and leaving his room. I rushed out of his apartment grabbing my jacket. I slammed the door on the way out, a smirk playing on my lips as I heard the plant on the shelf near the door fall off.

I leaned against the wall taking deep breaths. I couldn't breath, my heart was beating too fast and my eyes started to drip with my anger and pain. I slid down the wall grabbing my chest. I started to hyperventilate. I never did anything like that and I didn't know I was ever gonna do that to Hunter. I loved him and I just..I couldn't take his bull shitting. I was just sick of all the whining, the shit and blaming. But that was the one time I could get him to say more than one word to me.

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