Club Orgy [OLD]

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Hey love, I have a one-shot request. It's pretty naughty, and I don't have time to get it done. :)
Title: Club Orgy
Description: This is the tricky part. I only give you the title, and you have to think of the description.
Are you up for it or no? :)

Okay, I got this. But this is my first orgy but may not be the best, but I feel it is pretty good. And wattpad made this private... Yeah, so I think it is good enough. XD Enjoy! ;)

I leaned side to side with my friend Andrian next to me practically jumping in place. We were in line for a new gay club, Club Orgy. At first I was a bit nervous but after researching on the internet and lots of intense begging from Andrian I was convinced I needed to come here. It's a place for anyone of size or shape that's gay to come and have sex with tons of men for only a small price a night.

"Ugh, this is gonna be so fun," Andrian giggled for the hundredth time that night as we got closer up in the line. We weren't that far back so I knew we would get in tonight, you could only have so many people a night as there was only so many lockers to keep your stuff together. I started to shake as we got closer to the front of the line, I was practically a nervous mess when we were second in line. The music was so loud and everyone around us seemed so intimidating.
"How many," the big man at the front of the club asked. His voice was so rough and hard toned I got even more nervous.

"Two," Andrian replied shoving my shoulder with his. "Loosen up will ya?" he asked making me stop the shaking I didn't even notice I was doing. I couldn't help the fact that I was nervous and I hardly ever go to clubs as it is.

"Eighty dollars," the man said looking us over with tempting eyes. I bit my lip when his eyes landed on my crotch. I like the feeling of being wanted, sometimes that feeling alone can get me extremely horny. When Andrian handed him the money he gave us both slips to a locker and he let us in. Right away we had to go into the back locker rooms. This club was so weird, different from any club I had been to before. There were men stripping in the locker room and they all stopped what they were doing to look at Andrian and I.

"Hey sexy," Andrian flirted right away as he went to his locker. I chuckled at him just loving how open he is with everyone. He is that player you would see in all the movies and read about in the books. He has those model features you would see too. Dark tan skin and piercing blue eyes that stand out with all his dark features luring in his prey when he's out for the night getting laid. He has long black hair in a quiff that he says is great for him as he likes to get his hair pulled. He's a twink just like me and he rocks his body no matter what.

I went to my locker stripping and trying to hide my body a bit as I don't particularly like what shape I have. I am way smaller than Andrain, my bones stick out a bit and I think it is quite disgusting. Most people say it's cute how small I am but I don't see eye to eye with them on that. I put my clothes in the locker and sighed running my hands through my long blonde hair.

"You got a name," I jumped a bit but I should have known people were bound to talk to me. I looked up at group of six tall men. Most of them were buff and they all have either smiles on their faces or alluring smirks. I looked out of the corner of my eye to find Andrian but he was already gone.

"Um..yeah, Dahvie," I said nervously giving them all a smile. The tallest man looked me over and without hesitation grabbed me by the waist pulling our naked bottom halves together in a pleasurable movement.

"Well, Dahvie, how would you like to join in on a bit of fun with us? Right here right now?" He stared me straight in the eyes his green ones capturing me in their essence. I nodded my head at a loss of words. This was actually going to be my first time being in an orgy. But I have had lots of experience over the years since I am twenty-two.

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