Nirvana [OLD]

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Nirvana by Sam Smith is an amazing flucking song, so check it out. This is a "cliche" one shot for BertaCambell. Hope you enjoy. This is also in 3rd person point of view.

I am writing this on my iPod so sorry for auto correct, and a change in writing style. I really have only been writing this on my way to gender therapy and school. Thank you. ^^

"Samantha is just so hot," Jeremy groaned, causing his friend to look at him with an irritated glare.

"I know, you're practically eye raping her every chance you get," Dean grumbled taking a chance and smacking his friend with a strong swing across the back of his neck. Jeremy was getting on every last nerve Dean had left in him, Samantha being the source of it all.

"Ow, that f-cking hurt," Jeremy griped rubbing at the red blotch on his pale white skin. Dean just shook his head and scoffed to himself, his thoughts flooding everything inch of his conscience.

Dean was more upset than angry at his friend for dating that...that disgusting whore Jeremy would prefer to call his girlfriend. It was sickening, and the more Dean thought about it the more he wanted to pull his stomach out of his throat. The more he thought about the way his friend looked at her made him want to cut up her face so he wouldn't see anything attractive in her fake nose or lips.

Jealousy had consumed Dean, and hatred followed in persuite of turning him into a new man. He wasn't like he used to be, months ago when everything was different. He didn't crave a young, barelly legal adolecant, who not only was male, but a heterosexual. He should have never became friends with the kid.

Jeremy began to feel tired and hot as he sat upright on Dean's couch, the air becoming thick as he didn't move a muscle. He was getting quite sick of the heat waves they were having throughout the long and drawn out summer, the heat becoming unbearable.

He stood up slowly, feeling almost light headed as gravity started to weigh him down, but he fought the urge to plop down on the floor and fall asleep on the carpet like a five year old after a long day of playing outside.

Dean's eyes wandered from the wall, where he was blatantly ignoring the tv, and his gaze landed on Jeremy's back as he stripped of his shirt and socks. His throat began to swell up like when he would get stung by a bee. The blanket of sexual tension that seemed to be layed on top of him made him itch for a glimpse of something he hadn't seen before.

Although Dean loved every moment he got to see Jeremy's lean body he forced himself to look away from his friend.

Then, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Jeremy's legs gave out from under him, his back hitting something almost solid as his breathing became more rapid than a dog's.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked looking down at his friend who was panting in his laps. He fought all the urges he had to flip Jeremy around and take control of everything for the sake of their friendship, and his dignity.

"I'm fine. Just..." Jeremy ran a hand through his blonde hair looking up at the ceiling for a moment that lasted forever. "I'm a little tired," he sighed, his voice cracking. His head felt one hundred pounds heavier, his whole body numb from the heat.

"Come on, I'll take you to bed," Dean said, almost hesitantly, his mind turning south for the dirtier as he ran what he said through his head. If only he could take his friend to bed and do all he wanted with him.

"I can walk on my own," Jeremy snapped as Dean tried to carry him up the stairs to his bedroom. He felt like a girl the way Dean was trying to carry him bridal style, as though he wasn't capable of human abilities.

"No you can't, so just let me get you to my bedroom," Dean persisted, an authoritative tone taking over in his voice.

Jeremy swallowed down all his frustrations, storing them in the small pit at the bottom of his stomach, his natural instinct to listen to Dean forcing him to do as told. He stayed silent for the time being as Dean's human side started to come out and he acted like a father figure towards him.

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