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-I'll be there in five minutes... after giving me the address I had to find an excuse not to worry Aerie.

- I'm tired I think I'll go back to the flat continuous without me

-oh... well, look out for you on my way home, I'll be back when I'm around the neighborhoodit works every time.

Here I go to see Morgan, I hope Aerie won't be too mad at me for lying to him. Once there, I came across a young brown girl with rather large green eyes who did not welcome me in pajamas... I explained to her that Morgan had called me because he had found something to do with Jay. She did not look delighted but showed me where he was.

-Morgan is me, tell me what you found?He showed me Jay's phoneI held his hands and began to cry. He took me in his arms and reassured me-maybe it doesn't mean you don't worry.

-maybe, but I'm still afraid something has happened to her.

From my side, I opened the door and found no one, very worried I called Hadj a dozen times and left him messages but where she could be.I didn't ask myself any more questions I knew she would finally come home I was hoping...I couldn't imagine losing my brother and my best friend.I went into Jay's room and opened his drawers, took off all his clothes, and lifted up the mattress. I then found a piece of paper with six digits inscribed I took it with me so as not to lose it was going to maybe serve us later...Morgan and I were more and more in doubt, the night began to fall when we decided to go home. I met Owen too, a nice-looking but rather discreet guy.Morgan and Max kissed each other stealthily and Max gave me a black look... we went back to the apartment. I was increasingly apprehensive about Aerie's reaction.( ten missed Aerie calls )(- where are u??? )(- why aren't you at the apartment???)(-answer me please I'm worried )Anyway, I wasn't well... and going home with Morgan wasn't going to make things any better.Morgan opened the door and Aerie looked at him with a black eye.-it's a joke I hope... I've been worrying all night and you're coming home as if nothing was happening with this guy? You think with the loss of my brother I need to worry so much

-Excuse me Aerie I apologize I didn't want to worry you, I admit I didn't think about it at the moment

-No, I'm going to bed... good night. Stubborn Aerie slammed the door of her roomI stayed with Hadj for a moment to take stock and I remembered that Jay had written down the code of his phone on a piece of paper.I went back to her room and everything was a mess. Aerie had her searching her entire room.It was late. We went to bed.Aerie was still not talking to me, when she came back to the room she was turning I did not insist and went to bed.

(8:27)I went down after thinking all night and looked at Morgan, who did not speak. Hadj came down a few minutes later...-good morning, everyone-Good morning, sleepy?-Are you mad at me anymore? Asked me Hadj smiling. I took her in my armsWe decided to have breakfast in the cofee down the street-i pay. Get Morgan outI began to ask some questions about Morgan's life and how he had met Jay, cold and discreet he began to reveal himself little by little.We laugh, talk and have lunch in the right atmosphere for the first time...After an hour with a full stomach, we decide to go home. When I left the restaurant, the scrap of paper I found the day before fell out of my pocket. Morgan, very surprised to see him fall out of Aerie's pocket, took him as we noticed     closed in on himself and no longer said a word on the way back.Once there puts his hands in his pockets astonished that nothing was found in his pockets.
When he came home surprised that nothing was in his pockets, he began to search... Morgan saw the girl looking for something in her pockets panicked and decidedto speak for the first time since leaving the cafe and going out...

-is that what you're looking for? Says Morgan angry. Why did you have it?

-Don't yell at me yet! And I found it yesterday looking into Jay's stuff. Why does it matter so much...
Morgan put his hands through his hair looking irritated and the looked at Aerie and said:

-You could have told us that you had found this piece of paper! Finding numbers should have alerted you...

-Aerie... yesterday Morgan and I found Jay's phone and Morgan remembered thatthe code on his phone was written down on a piece of paper. And I think it might fit.Morgan went to get Jay's phone and we entered the code. Maybe we were gonnaget some clues about his disappearance...

-There's nothing on the networks anyway.

-Look in his messages...

He opened his conversations and the last message was from the evening(unknown)The message told my brother to meet him outside for an appointment, scheduled few days ago... it explained why he didn't tell the group why he was leaving. He told everyone that he had stopped using it.He and Morgan made a promise to keep it a secret and not let others learn that hewould continue to take illegal substances...We opened the photo gallery and a mysterious video caught our attention. My brother probably didn't do it on purpose. We saw a man hit him in the abdomenand and then my brother's phone suddenly fell to the ground but we saw a part of the man's arm before the phone was discharged.

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