Chapter 31 - Bedmates

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Ava had expected it to be an awful night.

After all, she had never shared the room, let alone the bed, with anyone, let alone a very handsome Fae man who didn't look one bit less attractive after taking off his armour.

Even though he wasn't as bulky as Trygve the muscle movement beneath his black shirt let her know that was just as well trained as they were. Ava tried not to stare and to blush as they got ready for bed, but failed rather spectacularly at both.

Too bad the house didn't come with a cure for awkwardness.

Raban had politely offered to sleep on the floor, but in response to that the house had removed any rugs and carpets from the floor, so that had been a clear "No way!". After more blushing - this time not only hers - and more awkwardness, they'd agreed on sharing the huge bed both of them too tired to fight any more battles with the house. Luckily, the bed was so big that even more than two people could easily sleep in without touching or getting too close.

They had promised each other, well Raban had and Ava had agreed, not to touch during the night. They had waited, not daring to breathe right afterwards, waiting for a response from their accommodation. However, nothing drastic had happened.  Rugs and carpets had reappeared at once, leaving both of them relieved that they could go to sleep now after all. Magic seemed content with their current arrangement.

Still not knowing where to look or what to say exactly, Ava had dragged her tired limbs into the ensuite bathroom, choosing a quick wash over a shower. When she had returned, Raban had asked her if it was okay for him to take a shower. 

His voice had been small, his whole demeanour unusually timed, she thought. It had loosened some of the tension within her. When even the confident warrior, who must have shared rooms and beds stars knew how many ... but she had stopped this thought right in its tracks. What was important was, that he seemed to be just as awkward as she was, which made her more comfortable. Period.  

She had simply told him, that he didn't need her permission since it was his bathroom too. But at the same time, she had found it pleasantly considerate too. At least her consort had manners

She laid right down, pulling up the covers all the way to her nose once he was gone. When he returned, she could simply close her eyes and pretend to be sleeping.

It turned out, however, that no pretence was needed. 

Instead of the tossing and turning she'd expected, however, she'd fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, not even noticing his return from the bathroom.

The next thing she noticed was warm morning sunshine, that fell into the room from the large window framed by what looked like large tree branches. It caressed her senses softly and slowly lured her mind from the depths of a dreamless sleep back to consciousness.

 For a moment she lay there enjoying the bliss of the moment until a heart-rending noise from the other side of the bed almost made her shriek in shock. Luckily though, she managed to clasp a hand around her mouth before the sound, which certainly would have alarmed Trygve and Gainor across the hall, escaped. 

Gazing down at the man beside her, she couldn't help but grin broadly down at him.

Who would have known that Fae snored? 

None of her many novels had ever told her that, she mused. But then again the stories she had read in her old life had always focussed on Fae magic, their exceptional skill or their exceptional beauty, neglecting such common flaws as snoring.

Although Ava couldn't say anything about the first true Fae tropes, the third one certainly was true for Raban. In his sleep, Raban looked younger than he with his hair tied back and his fighting gear on. His hair was fanned around his head on the pillow and with eyes closed, she could see dark and dense lashes that a lot of women - herself included - would envy.

Realising that she was staring at him - again -, she averted her gaze, feeling caught even though he was still asleep. He continued to snore softly, his mouth slightly open.

Somehow it made him even more ... Fascinating? Ava couldn't quite put it into words, but something in Raban wouldn't leave her mind alone.

Shaking her head vigorously, Ava threw back the covers and swung her legs out of bed. She could let herself develop a crush like that. When had that ever gotten her anywhere? Plus, she needed a shower. Desperately.

It got you here, a small voice in the back of her mind whispered, as she made her way to the ensuite bathroom, closing the door behind her and ignoring that voice.

Enjoying a long hot shower without being in a hurry to let in a roommate for her morning ritual, Ava felt herself relax a little bit. Even though they still had to figure out several things - consorts being at the top of the list - she couldn't help but be relieved of having settled matters with the Council for now.

Moreover, she was looking forward to Yngvar's visit later today. 

Well, it wasn't so much that she'd missed Frode's general of course, but she yearned to receive the present she'd claimed. She felt her body tingle with nervous excitement. Orla hadn't been entirely certain about the final detail, but given the Goblin's rate of success, Ava didn't doubt that all would be well, once the library was here. It simply had to be.

Upon her return to the bedroom, she found Raban still asleep, snoring louder than before. She felt her lips twitch again before she could stop them. Why did he have to be handsome and cute? It really wasn't fair. It only made it harder to remain professional with him. After all, their connection had been born purely out of necessity. 

Closing the door quietly behind her, she went downstairs for some breakfast and was surprised to find Gainor already there. He had a steaming mug of coffee in one hand and was preparing the batter for pancakes with the other. 


Image by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash

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