Chapter 51 - Ferris's Memory

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"Remember, you have the power to call certain feelings from the depths of someone's subconsciousness, but you can also reverse that process."

Ava nodded. She had spent the last couple of hours strategizing with Orla, preparing for her delicate mission to free Ferris from the fyrran crystals, which were still embedded in his head.

While she would have to use her healing powers to achieve this, her mental abilities would be necessary to investigate his recollections of the attack again. Although the absence of the fyrran crystals should make it easier for her to access the memory of what happened in Frode's headquarters during the attack, Ava would still have to use a massive amount of her telepathy, pushing back the smothering terror that petrified Ferris. So far, it had prevented him from being able to engage in any kind of conversation.

Roarke had somehow managed to bathe and change the Dracaeni who was now cowering before on the grounds in front of her headquarters. They had decided that taking him here minimized the risk of collateral damage in case Ferris changed form because of the fyrran no longer being inside of him. Orla had assured her that the house would cope with this possibility, but since it would cost valuable resources of magic, she too had opted for performing the spells outside.

Although his eyes were still empty, gazing into nothingness, Ferris had at least stopped holding and rocking himself as well as muttering incomprehensible words under his breath. 

"We can start as soon as you feel ready," Gainor said from her right.

With Trygve and Gytha being on patrol, keeping a close eye on the shadows beyond the enlarged rift that yesterday's attack had left behind, it was only her, Orla, Gainor, Raban and Roarke, who were present. 

Kernan had not returned from his quest of finding the seventh species of magical creatures yet. Trygve had been worried about that at first, but both Ava and Orla had assured him that they had shielding spells ready, to protect them and to contain Ferris if necessary. His abilities were more useful elsewhere for the time being.

Ava hadn't missed the look he and Gainor had shared before he had flown off. 

Amidst all the challenges and threats they were currently facing; she had felt the warmth of happiness spreading in her chest. Ever since her powers had first brushed Gainor's mind at the Council meeting and she'd accidentally uncovered his affection for Trygve, she had hoped that the two of them might find their way towards each other.

Now that they had, she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face every time she saw them together. Despite yesterday's weariness and exhaustion, Trygve's obvious happiness had been infectious. Although his stoic composure had never wavered, there was a new easiness about the tall Dracaeni that Ava felt was long overdue. 

Yesterday evening, she had wanted to talk to Raban about their earlier encounter in the bathroom then. Since the house didn't completely act on its own behalf and merely reacted to the sentiments of its inhabitants, they clearly had to, didn't they? But somehow, she hadn't managed to bring it up again and neither had he.  Instead, they had settled for their usual routine of reading before going to sleep.

However, Ava hadn't been able to concentrate, casting glances in his direction. But the Fae seemed to have been absorbed in his book and so she had thought it best to remain silent, feeling a nagging feeling of doubt and disappointment welling up inside her. 

What if it'd just been her subconsciousness the house was reacting to? What if he only felt bound by the life debt, she owed him?

"Are you alright?"

Although Ava had kept a tight grip on her abilities, both preserving strength and keeping her confusing feelings for Raban to herself, he seemed to know that something was off.

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