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        It's the first day of class, I wake up early and decided I should get ready. I see Astoria  sleeping in her bed, I get up and immediately  take a bath.

        After getting ready, me and Astoria head towards the Great Hall to eat breakfast.  As we arrived I quickly look for Draco, Blaise and Theo on the slytherin table as I spotted them I quickly drag Astoria along with me as we head towards the boys. I introduce Astoria to them, which they warmly welcome her.

        The five of us are heading towards our first class which is potions that is teach by Professor Snape with the gryffindors. As we arrived, students are already inside, we immediately look for a vacant seat. Daphne, Blaise and I seat at the front while Draco and Theo seat at the back. We patiently wait for the Professor to come the slytherin side being quite and the gryffindor side being loud as ever. The door suddenly open and came Professor Snape.

        “There will be no foolish wand waving in this class.” Snape said as he continue with his speech. He then suddenly stop and glare at someone who isn't paying attention to him,  “Mr. Weasley. “ Snape called. The rest of the slytherin look at Ron waiting for another gryffindor being humiliated.

        “Tell me Mr. Weasley, what would I get if I added a powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” Snape ask.

        “I don't know sir.” Ron replied.

        “Tell me, where do you find a bezoar?” Snape ask again. Ron shook his head telling he don't know the answer.

        “Let's try that again, what's the difference between munkswood and wolfsbane? “

        “Clearly Hermione knows, why don't you ask her?. “ Ron said bravely. The other gryffindors give Weasley an awe look while on the slytherin side eyed him with disgust. Snape shook his head, “10 points will be taken to gryffindor,” he then turn towards the slytherin side, “Ms. Potter, what's the answer of my first question,” he said not minding Granger hand that have up all the time.

         I confidently stand up and said, “The draught of the living sir. “ Snape nod his head, “and the second?”

        “In the stomach of a goat sir”

        “The third?”

        “They are the same but they just go with a different name.” I said.

        “Correct.  30 points to slytherin. “ Snape said proudly. He then looked at the rest of the class, “Well? Why aren't you writing this down?!” he said.

        Next class is transfurgration. In the middle of the class Ron and another gryffindor boy named Seamus came running which of course got scolded by McGonagall much to slytherins pleasure.

        After that,  we went to our flying lessons with the gryffindors. Nothing really happened, we practice the ‘up’  command on  our broom. Neville Longbottom still couldn't control his broom and ended up having an accident and Draco being Draco mocked the gryffindors and of course the slytherins laugh.

        Later that day we head towards the Great Hall to eat dinner. Tonight is the night that troll attacked. I got lost in my thoughts until Astoria called me to get my attention. “Hey, are you okay?” she ask. I looked at her and smile and nodded she returned the smile. The three boys is on their own world eating much candies while talking about quidditch. The night flow by peacefully until Professor Quirrell barge in shouting a troll got loose. Dumbledore announced to maker our way towards our common room as they solve the matter.

        After the troll incident, pretty much the whole school talk about it of how Granger and Weasley ‘defeated the troll’ in the girl’s bathroom. We are now walking our way towards DADA and I make my decision to go and help Professor Quirrell or should I say Voldemort to get the Philosopher's stone, clearly since  the light side is just using me then why don't I join the dark side that way I can get away from the trouble of Voldemort killing me, as if  something  bad will happened.

         As we arrived me along with Astoria, Draco, Blaise and Theo then find a seat and listen as DADA class started, I definitely get shock of how good Voldy teach, it have more sense and well explain if you really just focus listening to him well if you just take out the fake shattering he been doing.


        After class, I tell my friends to go first saying I have some things to do and I’ll catch up to them later they even offer to go with me but I kindly decline it saying it will just take a while. After I see them turn to the corridors I head back toward our DADA classroom there I see Professor Quirrell probably grading our papers.

        “Professor” I called to get his attention.

        He look up and saw me, “M-miss P-potter, how c-can I help y-you?” he asked. I rolled by eyes “Seriously Tom stop the stuttering it gets pretty annoying you know.” I said while looking at some books in the table. Quirrell’s eyes just turned white, “How did you know? And how did you know my real name?!” Voldemort now saying.

        I turn around and smiled sweetly, “Let's just say the character you pick to play this game is quite transparent , and for your second question I have my ways“. I wink at him.  He glared at me, his eyes now filled with anger.

       “I am not playing games with you,” he said “did Dumbledore know?!”

        “If he knows you think you will still be here at this moment?” I said sarcastically. “Beside I’m here not to pick fight with you, I’m here to become your ally.” I said seriously now making an eye contact on Quirrell’s eyes. He looked quite shocked, I guess he didn't expect that.

        “And how will I know that you are not a spy for the light side? How will I know that you can be trusted? “

        “Philosopher's stone,” I said. “I can get you the Philosopher's stone, you’ve been trying to steal it right?” He went silent for a second probably deciding. “Fine, if you successfully accomplished the task we’ll welcome you to the dark side,” he said, “but if you fail-“

        “Don't worry, I don't do fail,” I said on my way to exit the classroom, “bye Voldy!” I smirk.

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