Chapter 21 - Adverse Effects

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Chapter 21 – Adverse Effects


“What do you mean Paige withdrew? He was happy with the photos.” Peering over my glasses, I look up to Donnie who is standing just outside my cubicle, his arms stretched at the wooden frame with his head popping out from the edges.

“I know. He seemed pretty content with the outcome. Just don’t know what went wrong.”

I think I know.

Frowning upon the idea of who might be behind this propaganda, I stretch my legs under my desk, and gather them a few seconds after altogether to aid me stand on my feet. I think I need to go to the lavatory and bury inside its solid wall my frustration over being involved with a man so selfish and evil.

Donnie trails behind me saying something about Ross never ever going to sign a deal with new businesses like Beetz. The other day, all was good; well, not until I slapped Hunter on the face, everything just turned upside down again. If this is his way to get even on me, then, he’s actually doing me the favor of hating him more.

Then I pause, my legs freeze, the moment my ears catch Donnie mention Colin’s name. Right! I almost forgot how Hunter beat the man out of his life.

“What about Colin?”

“I heard his agents booked him a flight to New York right after he was discharged yesterday. Still a mystery on who beat the poor guy outside Calum’s.”

As for me, I think it is good for Colin to be away. New Jersey is not just the right place for him this time. Hunter can always harm the man. To avoid such situation to ever occur again, it’s best for Colin to stay away from here—from me. There are far better things Hunter can take away from him, for instance, his job. And I can never forgive myself if it’s on my account that he’ll lose the best job in the world per Ray’s opinion.

“But Colin’s well now, is he?” I can only ask about his well being.

Donnie nods his head, and answers, “Just a few ice bags on the face and he’ll recover. Poor man. Do you think some wayward teens did this to Colin?”

“Maybe,” I say although I know what really happened.

“It seems that it will take long before Colin comes back to Jersey.”

If I were Colin, I will opt to stay away from Hunter’s territory to save what are precious to me. But I have to appear like I don’t know anything about anything so I tell Donnie, “What makes you say that?”

“His agents pulled him out from the projects he signed up in the city. It appears that Colin will have to wait for New York Fashion Week to be visible again.”

Perhaps Hunter will have to do with this. He could have threatened the man so that he will be forced to leave. Why are Hunter’s abilities now a question? He’s long proven how he can cause chaos into one’s life.

Ray picked me up at five in the afternoon. When I came back home yesterday from Hunter’s office in Trenton, Ray was already with George and Sarah at the living room, waiting for me. I had to explain to them in full details what happened because if I did not I knew I was not going to be allowed to sleep. Dad was calm as usual when he learned I was at Hunter’s place but Mom was furious. She even scolded me for not even making an effort of calling them the night I was with my workmates at Calum’s. She said that if I was too drunk to go home by myself, she could have gone to Calum’s and take me home by cab. Mom never really likes Hunter Stone, and she was appalled to receive a call from him, more so telling her I slept with the man she least likes. Of course, I had to clear things with them about Hunter’s statement. I told them nothing but the truth—that I slept alone in his room, that nothing happened between us, that I was too drunk to even have myself engage to such activity.

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