Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 25

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Hellloooo there :)

There is an author on here called jaddadaddadingbat. Not only is she one of my best friendlings, but she is an epic author with nowhere near enough reads to match her skill. I would love it if you would read some of her stuff. I'm sure she'll love you for it too :) x

I have worked my little socks off this evening writing you lovely fans a chapter, I hope you enjoy it! xxx


The room within was a soft lemon yellow that almost glowed in the sunlight shining through the window directly ahead. White accent furniture spotted around only served to brighten the room further. Yet in the middle of the sunshine bright room, in the folds of yet more yellow bedding, lay curled a form that exuded a grief that could have dampened the warmth of any light.

Relief despite her condition flooded through me more strongly than even arriving home had. To know that she was alive and safe in Rose’s warm little house was enough to make up for all of the pain I had felt in the past days. The feeling spread through me, soothing all of my broken pieces.

Movement drew me suddenly out of my thoughts and my eyes shot to the far side of the bed. Rose’s mother Julie sat in a rocking chair at Mum’s side, a well worn book splayed open in her lap and a pair of glasses perched on the end of her nose. Her fingers glided over the pages as she read intently.

“Julie,” I called to her. Startled, she suddenly flew to her feet and the book tumbled into a heap at her feet. Her mouth fell open as I spoke again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She pulled off her glasses and peered at me, bobbed hair swaying slightly as she made her assessments. Finally she murmured, “Goodness gracious me, it is you Alexis. I thought that I was imagining it too. Oh God, it’s so good to see you.”

The book was left forgotten at her feet as she rushed forwards and pulled me into her arms. Just like Rose she was surrounded by an aura of warmth and I let it soak into me. Julie had been a good friend to Mum once and most likely still was despite the restrictions surrounding it. I therefore trusted her too and it felt good to be held together by someone’s comforting arms.

“How is she?” I whispered into her shoulder. My words were twisted with the lump in my throat.

She pulled away, running soothing fingers through my tangled hair. “You’ve grown up into such a strong young woman;” she smiled sadly, “I always knew that you would, from the moment you were born. Just keep being this strong person for her and she’ll make it through. That’s all she needs, I promise you.”

I nodded and tried to swallow down the anxious tears. “Thank you Julie. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t have been here to look after her.”

Her face seemed to fall and she sighed, “I owe your mother far more than this. I got so caught up protecting my own family that I did little to help her all those years ago. It was the least I could do to be here when she really needed me again.” She hesitated then as her eyes took in my dishevelled state, looking concerned. “Who did this to you?”

"Sole did this,” I hissed, “Marcus Sole.”

Her eyebrows flew up, brown eyes wide. “Surely not, sweetheart,” she said as she shook her head, “We’re all family. Why would he ever do that? There must be some mistake.”

I felt my jaw clench, not in anger at Julie but at Sole’s ludicrous behaviour.  How had he managed to keep everyone fooled for so long? How had so much trust been placed in such a psychopath?

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