Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 10

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Helllooo :)

Here's the next chapter of Tiger, Tiger, I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think :D

P.S. Thank you soooo much for all the new fans, votes and comments I've been getting recently. I do a little dance every time. It's a bad dance, but a dance all the same ;) Anyway, enjoy....


All there was in the blackness was a pounding feeling like punches, resounding through what I could now feel was supposed to be my brain. Each punch became separate and more defined – the heavy beat of a drum. I forced my eyes open and bright white light blinded me. My head swirled like I was spinning. Something burned painfully on the side of my head.

The pounding and the light dazzled my senses. As I unsteadily pushed myself, swaying, to my feet I blinked rapidly, trying to clear the light spots from my vision. My eyes finally landed on something and I jumped, my heart stopping for a split second. A little girl, her face surrounded by a halo of white blonde curls sat in front of me, other strangers lining the wall beside her. The voice inside my brain screamed.

Disorientated, I span and made to run, only to smack straight into something face first. The whole world went hazy again and I threw myself to the right and then the left, repeatedly hitting into something in every direction. There was no definition to the world; everything was fuzzy and white and swirled and filled with murmurs. Where was I? Was I awake?

‘Stop! Please!’ a voice I didn’t recognise suddenly called to me, ‘Stay still for two seconds or you’re going to hurt yourself.’

I obeyed the voice and stopped throwing myself around, though it still felt as if I was moving. A few moments later the swaying slowed and I could see a wall beginning to form in front of me, not just a blur. I slumped to the floor I could now see, suddenly very tired, and let my spinning head rest on my paws. ‘Thank you,’ I projected in a whisper, unsure of where the voice had come from.

‘No problem, though I don’t know why you tried that again. It didn’t work the first time you tried you know,’ it replied.

I frowned and lifted my head. ‘The first time?’ I asked, searching the strangers’ faces and spotting the little girl from earlier wrapped tightly in the arms of a blonde haired woman. Her eyes met mine and she smiled softly.

‘The first time you woke up you went crazy, throwing yourself at the walls. They had to sedate you just to stop you injuring yourself, wild lioness,’ she responded, tone tinged with laughter.

My cheeks heated with embarrassment. I didn’t even remember doing that let alone waking up the first time. ‘I honestly don’t remember anything that happened after I got hit in the head... Where am I?’ I asked her.

I looked around once again, now able to distinguish what I was seeing. The walls were a stark white, illuminated till they almost glowed by bright strip lights. I was surrounded – trapped - in large square of glass, identical to the ones that held the strangers opposite me. My pack members were on the same side of the room to me, curled in the corner of their cubes on the cold tiled floor. This place looked nothing like the wrecked warehouse I’d seen in the last memory I had.

‘To be honest, I have no idea,’ the woman replied, shifting the little girl in her arms so she sat on her knee, ‘and I’ve been here for a very long time. All I know is that it’s a research facility, and the worst place I have been in my entire life.’

'What was the warehouse I saw? Is this the same place?’

'Sure is. We’re inside it.’

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