Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 9

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Hey you ;)

I know it's early, but I won't be here to post on Friday. So, being the loyal up loader I am, I'm uploading earlier not later :) Don't you love me? ;D

P.S. Just so you know I don't actually have anything against science itself, bearing in mind that I want to be a scientist :3 That may sound strange but the people in this are not how I think of scientists, they're just 'bad guys' and how I wanted it to go :) Purely entertainment and funsies :) x


As a blanket of darkness was thrown over us, I curled into it as if it were a part of me. I had given up on this being a nightmare. Unable to pinch myself I had dug my claws into my leg. Blood had pooled on my fur and still I didn’t wake up. I was still here on a cold floor, pressed against cold bars, with someone I didn’t even want to look at and the sound of keening moans breaking through the drumming of the path beneath the van.

And this was where I would remain, disgusted at my stupid brain and myself. I could’ve tried my claw in the lock, but if I had have been successful, then what? If I’d managed to release everyone in this van they wouldn’t have listened to what I had to say, and we wouldn’t have been able to get out until the doors were opened. Then all we would get for our troubles was shot or shocked back into submission.

“Where am I?” someone groaned groggily. I snapped from my thoughts and froze, recognising the voice from an encounter in the forest. It was him. I didn’t respond but kept my head down and watched him from the corner of my eye. He might just fall asleep and leave me alone.

In the darkness I could just about see him hold his head with both hands and squint with pain. After a moment he pushed himself up and began to look around. He was taking it all rather calmly, but I guessed that was probably because he looked as if he were about to fall unconscious again.

He reached out a hand and began to probe into the darkness, touching the bars with a jump and mumbling something to himself. He swayed uneasily and I didn’t know what to do. My heart tugged at me and begged me to help him and explain. It told me that it wasn’t him who had done this to us and that I shouldn’t take my anger out on him. But I didn’t care. I had said that I would never dirty my name with his.

Suddenly his other hand touched my side and we both jumped in opposite directions. I let out a snarl at the fire that spread through my body. It was like agony, raw and unwanted.

“Who is that? Where the hell am I?” he asked with confusion. I noted the undertone of anger and suspicion in his voice. It sounded like a voice trained for authority.

He at least deserved an answer to his question, though. ‘In a transport van, going to who knows where,’ I replied, short as I could keep it.

His brow furrowed. “What? How? And you? And you.” He repeated himself but the second time all questioning was gone from his voice. “I recognise your voice. Is it you, the tigress from the forest?” His earlier tone of voice I could’ve easily taught myself to hate was gone. It was soft now, sort of awestruck.

I swallowed, wishing that he would stop talking. It was hurting me more than I had expected. ‘Yes,’ I murmured into his mind weakly. All my anger was gone for now, replaced with sorrow.

He shook his head and let himself fall back and against the wall and his dizzy head into his hands. Her began to talk to himself, “This can’t be real. How am I here?” He looked up and tried to make something of the darkness, then turned to me. “Do you have any idea where we are?”

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