Tiger, Tiger: Chapter 3

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Hi again,  

Here's the next part :D Enjoy! xxx


The shrill bell rang out, signalling that it was time for break. Mr. Fare watched us pack up our things and then gestured for us to leave. As I slipped on my satchel I saw Rose-Marie hovering nervously beside me. “Are you ok?” I asked.

She jumped as if I had distracted her from her thoughts and bit her lip. “Well, that girl over there is meant to be showing me around. But she looks a bit…” she hesitated, “aggressive? I don’t mean to judge.”

I laughed. “You’re not a bad judge of character.” The girl Rose-Marie was talking about wasn’t the friendliest of people.

“Would you mind showing me around? It doesn’t look like she’d miss me,” she said sadly, watching the girl leave the room without even looking for her. My eyes flickered back to Rose-Marie, surprised.

I hesitated, not sure if picking me was a wise choice for her. Then her sad brown eyes met mine and pity swelled in my chest. She was in the exact same position as me, and I’d always wanted someone to talk to when I felt alone. Why not help her? “Ok,” I replied.

Her eyes lit up. “Really? You will? Thanks,” she smiled.

“It’s fine,” I smiled back, “Come on then. I’ll give you the tour of this magnificent facility,” I said, beginning to walk away and gesturing for her to follow me. “Oh!” I exclaimed, spinning back to face her, “Do you mind me calling you just Rose?”

Just Rose?” she laughed, “That’s a weird name, but I guess...”

“Oh shut up,” I said, gently hitting her on the arm, “You know what I mean.”

“Can I call you something in return then? I’ve always liked nicknames,” she blushed. “Alex? Lex? Lexy? Lexy, lead the way.”

I couldn’t help but smile.  “Follow me then, Rose.” I lead her into the corridor and took her around the school, pointing out places of importance and exactly where all her lessons would be. We found that the majority of them we had together, and that in those there was always an empty seat beside me for her to sit in.

The morning passed surprisingly quickly after that, pleasantly so, if that was even possible. I chatted to Rose about her past and problems, interested in first the girl who didn’t care what I was. Rose just seemed to make me forget about the nightmare. I could pretend to be normal for once.


“Do you want to come with me to lunch?” I asked Rose, something within me desperate not to let her go. I had enjoyed her company so much this morning. This stupid insecurity bubbled within me that if everyone moved on, she might not want to be seen with me anymore. Rose seemed too nice to do that, but people can change before you even realise it.

Her face lit up with a smile. “If you’re still willing to put up with me.”

“Great,” I grinned back, my worry fading, “You still remember the way?”

“To the canteen?” she asked, biting her lip.

“Yes. Is that alright?”

“Uh, well… I mean, it’s like a congregation of all the people who hate me.” She began to play with the strap on her handbag.

“I’m sure no one in there hates you,” I smiled reassuringly, “It’s all because they think they should treat you that way. We can eat outside though, if you want?”

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