Mask of Emotion pt 1

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It had been a few rough days for Yuri. 

Just two days ago, she faced off against another student named Flip who tried to trick her to take control of her Number cards, only for her to turn the tables with Baby Tiragon and Needle Swordsman, getting Utopia and Leviathan back. And she gained a friend in Flip. 

Right now, Astral was watching something on the TV. And getting the wrong idea about himself. 

Picture a scene of a darkened night overtaken by thousands of stars, and three grand super-moons casting an eerie glow over a massive, jagged stone castle built over a glass-like lake...

Inside its walls, two creatures, one of phoenix origins and the other an anthropomorphic panther knight, were being attacked by a regally-dressed woman with floor-length magenta-red hair wearing a dark purple dress that had a temporal space pattern on the skirt, who was in possession of dark power currently being concentrated into bolt-like energies to subdue the two former.


That is, until someone comes crashing through one of the stain glass windows and distracts her, they being a youth addressed by the panther as,


As they move to stand, we see that they were a boy with short, muted light blue hair styled upward and a pale complexion, wearing a white spandex bodysuit outlined with yellow and indigo trimming to match his thigh-high boots, a gold/brown striped belt with a holster support for what appears to be a whip, a light blue cape held on by a large gold buckle, light blue, dangling diamond earrings, and a red mask with a gold crown that covered a good half of his face but showed off his big green eyes.

"I have traveled through time and space to fight the forces of evil, and restore justice to the galaxies...I am The Sparrow!

Yuri of course wasn't watching it, but quietly asleep in her bed, leaving Astral the only one with bated attention to the screen as the woman addresses the newly-arrived Sparrow.

"How?! Furious Max sealed you away in a dimensional prison!"

"Tuh, I escaped."

"Well, things have changed since you were sealed away: Furious Max now rules over the entire galaxy!"

The youth wasn't about to let that come to pass without a fight:

"His reign is about to come to an end! Go, Mega-Punch Surprise!"

But it was in making the charge to attack the regal woman, that he catches a glimpse of her reflection in the crystal on her left, and was immediately stricken with shock by what he saw.

Uh! It can't be! The Galaxy Queen's true noneother than-!

"You fool. Nothing can stop the Dark Emperor's Curse!"


"Agh! Hrrrggh...!"

The Sparrow's absentmindedness costed him great, as he was launched backwards by the Galaxy Queen's staff, and began to feel the pressuring dark energies take over his being!

"Now you're my puppet, just like your precious Puma!"

As the woman cackled, Yuri suddenly turned the Tv off. 

"Geez, her laugh creeps me out." Yuri said going back to sleep.

Astral however, was too interested in the program, and floated over to Yuri.

"You need to wake up."

"Unless, its the apocalypse, no." Yuri muttered.

"Did you know that there is a boy, the Sparrow, that's from another galaxy, like me?"

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