Chapter 2 - Running Away

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Toshiro ⬆️
Hi. My name is Toshiro. I am 9 years old.

I woke up to sirens. Loud, blaring sirens. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the red and blue light that lit up my room. Weird. I thought.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then found my bear and held him. I looked out of my window, and saw a scary sight.

4 police cars were surrounding my dads house, and 10 polices officers were standing around, while 2 other were knocking at the door. Why are they here? I thought as I quickly put on my clothes. This could be my chance!
I took out my swing bag and threw all of my clothes, which wasn't much, in there. Then I ran to the bathroom, grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, some soap, a towel and toilet paper and put all of that into my bag as well. My bag was pretty big so everything fit nicely.

After that I ran to the kitchen as fast as I can, ignoring my dad who was at the door punching a police officer that was about walk in.
I ran up to the fridge and put lots of food inside my bag. I also got a water bottle and put it in there too.
Then I raced up to my room again and grabbed my bear, hugging him to my chest tightly.

I thought about running away for a long time now. I couldn't deal with the beatings anymore. I decided to wait until my dad put me into a school, which happened only 1 week ago. He put me in because he didn't want to see me for the day and at school he can avoid seeing me. Really, I was already 9 and I haven't gone to school yet and in three days, on Friday, it will finally be my first day.
I already knew more things than any kid knew at my age because I learnt by myself at home. I loved learning new things and reading new books.
To run away, I also waited till the right moment. The one that would let me get out secretly and unnoticed.
I decided, that today was that moment.

I opened the door of my room and glanced down the stairs. I could hear yelling of my drunk dad and police officers, thuds and something smashing. It was too loud for me, and I was about to faint but I held myself together. After all, this was the moment that I had waited for, for 3 years.

I stepped down the first step quietly, and turned around to face the window that was made in the wall. The window faced the back of the house, and it had a pipe going down the side of the wall next to it on the outside. I decided that this was the way I would get out of the house.
I opened the window quietly but quickly, and then remembered that Teddy was still in my hand. Ugh, dumbass. I scolded myself as I knelt down and opened my bag. I put Teddy into my bag and closed it again as I stood up. Suddenly I heard voices and footsteps.

"Damn that man sure was strong."
"Yeah, and sure was drunk."
"I can't believe he would do that! Crash into a truck deliberately just because the truck had the words "Child Care Centre" on it."
"I know right."
You don't know how much more worse things that man can do. I thought as I quickly sat on the windowsill and swung my legs over the edge ducking my head in the process to avoid hitting it. I looked at the pipe on my left. It's pretty far away. I need to make sure that the bag doesn't fall. I thought as I tied the bag straps to my stomach. I then noticed a small metal thing poking out of the wall between the window and the pipe. I nodded as reassurance for myself and slowly lowered my foot onto the metal thing, turning around to face the wall in the process. Then, I stood on the metal thing, still holding onto the windowsill. I then reached out with my right arm, and grabbed ahold of the pipe. Then, slowly and carefully I reached my left arm over, and grabbed the pipe with that hand as well.
Once that was done, I took some time to calm down and breathe and regain focus. This was the most dangerous part. I exhaled as I fixed my eyes onto the pipe, and prepared to jump. 3..2...1...... now! I pulled myself across with my arms, and pushed off with me legs. Then, I placed my feet on either side of the pipe, with a small thud. My hands held the pipe and my feet were on the wall, either side of the pipe. I exhaled again, and slowly started moving my hand and opposite foot down. Then I stopped and moved the other hand and foot down. I repeated this, until I got to ground level, and jumped of the wall, landing on my knees with a pretty small thud. But what frightened me was my bag, that untied from my waist with the jump and fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Crap.

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