Chapter 3 - Surviving

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Yui ⬆️
I woke up, eyes feeling heavy. I glanced to the side and saw the sun light shining through the entrance to the cave. Right. Cave. I sat up slowly, and only then noticed the all too familiar shivering. I was always cold in winter because all I had was one jumper that my dad gave me, and one jumper wasn't enough for coping the winter.
I rubbed my eyes, slowly getting used sunlight around me, and took a deep breath. I smelled like flowers and rain. I liked it.

I stood up, still holding on to Ted. I gave Teddy and new name, more like a nickname actually - Ted. I thought it was cool and it was shorter and less child-like so I stuck with it.
I looked around and sighed as I realised how much work awaited to be done today. Then, I suddenly became aware of a small cry, so fragile and quiet that at first I questioned myself if there really was one.
Sure enough, a quiet, almost pleasing cry shook the air, as I walked towards the entrance and jumped down the wall using my rope. When I landed on the grass, it squeaked under my shoes, and I looked around, trying to find where the cry was coming from.

I began walking towards a tall tree, the cry suddenly getting louder. When I reached it, I stood still, and the cry stopped. I glanced up and around the tree, not noticing anything in particular. I shrugged and was about to leave when suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks, trying to balance on one leg because I realised I was about to step on a baby bird. I gasped and fell backwards, but I didn't touch the bird so it was fine.
Slowly, I sat up and looked over at the little bird who stared back at me with wide eyes.

"Hey, is it you who was crying?" I asked, not really expecting an answer from the bird. I then looked up at the branches of the tree, trying to notice some kind of reason as to why this bird was here, letting out pleading cries.
Soon enough I noticed a small nest on one of the big branches that intertwined with others. I nodded to myself then looked back at the bird. So he fell down from there... hmm how am I going to get him back up? I wondered.
I crawled onto my knees and gently scooped the frightened bird into my hands. It squeaked, but didn't do anything to get out.
I then slowly stood up and glanced at the nest.
It was about 2 meters from the top of my head, which meant that I needed to climb.
I put the bird in my pocket, gently, making sure he was comfortable, and then turned around to face the tree. Slowly and carefully, I reached up to a branch and pulled myself up, hooking one leg around another branch. Careful as to not hit the bird against the tree or squish it, is slowly made my way to the branch that had the nest on it. I sat down, swinging my legs over and began to take the bird out of my pocket. Gently and carefully, I took him out, and placed him back into the nest.
The bird squeaked happily and started jumping around the nest, squeaking more. I started to get worried that the mother would come soon, so I quickly climbed back down to the ground and started walking back to my cave.

Once I got there, I got up the cliff face and crawled inside, hugging Ted as I sat next to my bag.
Then, I put Ted down, and opened my bag, taking out some food.
I only took out a little bit, swallowed, and packed everything away.
Damn it. I forgot to pack money. I facepalmed at my stupidity, but slowly lowered my hand and looked at Ted who sat against my legs, his head hanging a little low. Ok, first of all, get yourself ready. Second of all, go to the city to investigate your whereabouts. Third, try and find a job to provide money. Yes, good plan. I thought as I ran my fingers through my hair to kind of make it nicer, then grabbed my toothbrush towel and toothpaste and put them in my pocket. I then stood up and walked to the entrance, climbed out of the cave and headed to the lake.

Once I got there, I kneeled down and looked at myself in the reflection. The big scar on the back of my neck that I got from my dad when he threw glass at me when I was 5, was standing out against all the little cuts on my face that I got from falling down yesterday, and the slightly swollen left eye that I got from my dad 5 days ago as a result from another punch, seemingly glowed on my face as I stared at my reflection. Disgusting. Dad sucks.
I turned slightly and took out my toothbrush, wet it in the water and spread the toothpaste on it after. Then I put away the toothpaste and started brushing my teeth, naming the French alphabet, then Japanese, Russian, English and when I was halfway through the Spanish, I decided to finish and spat into the grass.
I washed my face, carefully wiping around my swollen eye, dried with my towel, and then packed everything away into my pockets. I walked back to the cliff face under my cave entrance and climbed back in.
Once I was inside I packed my things back into my bag, picked up Ted, and climbed back out, landing softly on the grass. I then looked around, noticing the path from which I came here yesterday. I hugged Ted tighter, as reassurance, and started walking.

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