Chapter Four

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Let's see if this small addition sates your thirst for more chapters for now, my lovely readers.

Chapter Four: Who Is So Blind?

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"Wait a minute...there are five of you." Artemis starts and then gasps. "Zoë!" She screams in joy and runs down to embrace her former lieutenant.

"Milady. It is nice to see you again." Zoë cries silently with Artemis.

"How are you even alive? When? Where?" Artemis asks as she pulls back and Zoë and her hold each other's arms.

"Perseus returned Anaklusmos to me and I fell from the stars. He caught me and saved me. He fought Ladon for his final battle. Ladon was seriously injured and we nearly lost him, but Percy got his final wish. To depart from this world. He is gone milady...I am sorry." Zoë tells her.

"No. I saw him just a few hours ago." Artemis shakes her head.

"Lady Artemis? Perseus came to us and when we were talking, his strength waned greatly, but he still had a vast amount left. He brought our sister back to us and then died a valiant and honorable death. Ladon has grown to respect the late hero and in return helped him pass from this world just like he wanted. Percy Jackson is no more." Arethusa speaks quietly.

"I think he wanted it that way." Hesperia sighs.

"It was for the best." Aegle agrees.

"He could not live a moment longer with the betrayal hanging over his head." Erytheia admits sadly.

"We granted his wish and let him in to see Ladon." Arethusa sighs heavily.

"His body?" Poseidon asks in a hoarse voice.

"We are sorry my lord, but..." Erytheia starts.

"Ladon's poisons disintegrated his body. There is nothing left of the hero to return to you." Aegle says regretfully.

"He just had one wish and it was obliged." Hesperia tells him.

"But, he said he's still loyal to Olympus to the end and that you needn't worry. He was happy to go. He was funny when he started using foul language against Chiron. He smiled as he died Lord Poseidon. You should be happy his suffering is over. Maybe in another life you'll get to see him. Maybe the Fates will call upon him again to save the world. Whatever the case, Percy Jackson is still fighting for you. Just do us all a favor, don't have any more kids. Percy would slap you for having more. They would have a terrible life and Percy knew that the best out of all of us." Zoë says serenely.

Her words seem to soothe Poseidon and he grows younger. Poseidon nods and smiles kindly at Zoë. "You are right. He told me what I already knew he would be feeling. But for him it was much worse than it would be for me. I am glad he isn't in pain anymore. He deserves peace after all he has been through. Thank you for your advice. It is lovely to have you back, dear Miss Nightshade."

"It's lovely to be back my lord." Zoë smiles warmly at him.

"Will you return to the Hunt?" Artemis asks Zoë hopefully.

Zoë shakes her head. "No milady. Though I loved my time with the Hunt, it is no longer my place. It is time I return to being a Hesperide. Thank you for the wonderful offer, but I cannot accept."

"It's alright. I understand. May I visit you?" Artemis shakes it off easily.

"Of course. I don't see why not." Arethusa tells her and Artemis nods and smiles, then returns to her throne.

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