Chapter Seven

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Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. As you have requested, several of you, I am now updating! YAY MY LOVELY READERS!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter Seven: The Grand Explanation

Point of View: Third Person

Everyone files into the arena and Percy stands in the middle, hands behind his back and standing at attention, looking up at the night sky. 

"Percy?" Annabeth asks from the stands.

"Quiet, girl. Not everybody has arrived. I will begin when all souls are present in the arena." He reprimands her immediately and some campers giggle and snort.

Annabeth turns red, but stays quiet. 

Once everyone is settled somewhere in the stands, Percy clears his throat, erasing the whispers of the crowd from the air. "Now, I assume you all have questions, mainly the gods and immortal campers, but they will have to wait until I tell the tale. And oh what a joyous one it is." He chuckles and the immortal campers shiver. "How to begin? Oh, yes.

Long ago, there was a boy named Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, fatal flaw of Personal Loyalty, blah, blah, blah. The kid fought two wars for the gods and won them along with his friends, or so he thought them. After a while, things went awry for the poor child. He began losing all his friends and the gods stranded him on his own. All save one.

His father, Poseidon, God of the Seas knew what it was like, for Perseus was an exact copy of Poseidon. Right down to the fatal flaw. But Perseus was unique, special, in his fatal flaw. He was mortal and could die, also feel more pain as he could only live one life. So, as his ties began to break and become pain addled things lying around in his soul, he started to die from the inside out. Being beaten and tormented by his used to be friends and family. Betrayal, in the worst of ways. Few staying at his side and those who did, were punished severely. Forced across the border of the camp and cursed to roam the dangerous Earth, he was cast out by his own kind and left to die in the hands of monsters.

Zeus, seeing the boy as vulnerable and easy to be taken in by the enemy, sent the Huntress, Artemis, after the demigod. Dying from the greatest illness any soul could inflict, Artemis found him. Found him in the woods and he fled. He wanted to die in his own way, in his own time, and in peace. But she would not leave him alone.

Convincing the boy, she brought him back to the place of his betrayal. Still, the others despised him for something he could never do. He got those who were still loyal to him, something he cherished, out of that camp and placed them in the hands of Artemis to give lives. Once they were out, he disappeared and wasn't sighted until later that day.

He appeared in the Garden of the Hesperides, where Ladon guards the golden apples on Hera's tree. He went there, seeking the death he knew only the dragon could give him. Without the use of his left arm and barely being able to walk, Perseus asked for a fight to the death, not for honor or glory or for an apple to turn him immortal and save him. But for death and only death. To take away the overwhelming illness that would immobilize him, paralyze him, and eventually, kill him agonizingly slowly. Ladon moved away from the tree and asked something of the hero.

You were all told that Perseus Jackson died at the claws of Ladon, but that is not the case. Listen and listen well, for I will not tell it again.

The favor the great dragon asked of the child, was that he not use the tree against him during their fight. Not knowing it was a test, Perseus made his decision. He swore on the River Styx that he would abide by Ladon's wishes and leave the tree out of the fight and forever. But, Ladon did something completely opposite of killing the hero, he gave him a life. Along with the Hesperides, Ladon helped Perseus to heal and recover from something no being should have to suffer through and so terribly. They healed him and gave him purpose. 

Since he could not take an apple from the tree, Ladon willingly gave him one and the Hesperides had him eat it after gaining the permission of the gods. Later, after bringing back a lost friend and Hesperide, Perseus and the Hesperides traveled to Olympus. On the journey, they all knew he was no longer Perseus Jackson and Katharos was born. They went to the throne room, brought false news of Perseus Jackson's death, and Katharos took his oaths.

Apollo figured it out though, he figured out who Katharos once was. A part of the dead boy. But left after a conversation that ended with too much for either party to continue. After the gods went to their children and made them see sense, they searched everywhere for their missing hero, knowing he wasn't dead on Hades's word. Confused, all the gods turned to the Hesperides, but they kept their secret and said they had no idea. Not wanting to ruin Katharos's peace he was finally able to achieve after everything he went through in his past life, Apollo bit his tongue and remained silent. After 30,000 years of a peaceful life, three young demigods venture into the Garden of the Hesperides and spoke with its Guardian. 

The Guardian spoke every word with a double meaning, hinting at the heroes and giving them as much help as he could without giving it away. Just as one was about to say something, as she had figured it out, she was flashed out along with the others. Seeking answers from the stars, Katharos knew what the last line of the prophecy meant. It was his turn to die and for his old hero to return. But not quite. He came as both. Now, the intertwining souls of the dying man and the defender blend together in a time of need for Olympus. The man of death once more and the warrior at his side, helping him wade through the horrors of war." He ends his story and looks up at the stars.

I am going to post again. Sorry for the earlier confusion. I was spellchecking and my app froze and turned off, making me repost the chapter. I believe I have remedied the situation. Anyways, here is the next chapter for you, my lovely readers!

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