Chapter Three

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Yo! Here is the next chapter. Sorry for making you wait my lovely readers.

Chapter Three: Surprise!

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

By time it's sunset, I enter the garden and the Hesperides meet me at the small arching hedge that leads to where Ladon protects the golden apples of immortality.

"Have you come for the apples?" One asks.

"Or perhaps a test?" Another inquires.

"You once came with our banished sister." The eldest points out.

"You were a little bit younger and a lot shorter. You have grown much." The last one says, the youngest.

"So what is it that you want here?" The eldest speaks again.

"I have come to die." I tell them and they just look at me.

"A glorious death?" The youngest asks uncertain.

I shake my head. "No. Just to die. That is why I came. I don't want apples or honor or glory. I just want my time on this planet to end. I'm dying anyway. Might as well die fighting."

"Admirable. You must have personal loyalty by the looks of the burns and their growth." One of the middle ones smiles warmly.

"That I do. I've lost the use of my left arm, I can barely walk with my right leg, and my entire torso is not there anymore. My insides are toast and I am ready to die. If it's my time, I will gladly go with Thanatos. He hovers over me now. I can feel the creeping feeling crawling up my spine. I know what must happen and Ladon will help it along faster. I die today." I say.

They all share a look and nod at each other and then me. "Follow us then." The eldest says and they all form a line behind her. They walk into the main garden and I follow them in.

"Ladon, sweetie, we have a request for you." The eldest calls.

Ladon blinks open all his eyes on all his heads and lifts them up. He zeroes in on me and all his heads snap.

"This young hero wishes a fight to the death. He does not want the apples. Will you fight him? Will you kill him?" The youngest inquires.

Ladon unwraps from his tree, from what I understand in several millennia, and walks up to me. "You wish death by my claws? My sharp teeth? My venom? Answer hero, and an answer shall be given in return." I hear his deep and resonating voice in my head, but it sounds like it's all around the garden.

I nod slowly. "Yes, Ladon. As long as I die fighting and as long as you kill me in this fight, I wish to die. I don't have much time left and I've resolved to die doing what I've been built up to do. I want to die and I want you to do it. You are my last hope, no one else can fight me and kill me."

He seems to be thinking about it. "Very well, but you must promise me one thing in return." He leans down to my eye level and I meet his many gazes head on.

"Name it and I will abide by the promise I make." I tell him.

"You must promise me that you won't use the tree against me. They say you will not take an apple. Is this true? Promise me you won't take one." Ladon says.

"I swear on the Styx that I won't take any of the golden apples off of your tree, Ladon. But if you knock me into it, don't assume I'm breaking my oath." I respond.

Ladon chuckles. "Then I will not kill you. I will reward you, young hero." He tells me.

"What do you mean?" I ask in shock.

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