Chapter Six

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Onward, my lovely readers!

Chapter Six: It Really Is You

Point of view: Perseus Jackson

"Oh." Nico says.

"Lord Zeus, what do I need to do?" I ask without looking.

The shocked king of the heavens snaps out of it. "Lead them." Is all he says.

I nod. "Joy. Back to the battlefront. I've managed to stay off the radar of any monsters for years. NOw I guess that's not the case." And then I walk down the hill.

Apollo jogs up to me and starts. "They'll want an explanation. The other Olympians that is. Well, the campers too, but they aren't as important."

"I am well aware." I answer.

"When are you going to explain?" Apollo asks.

"When I am ready." I reply.

"You've had so long to be ready. Why not now?" Apollo asks in that stupid tone.

I stop and face him. "All I meant, was that I wil tell them when they are all ready to listen. I do not have a problem in talking about it. However, they need to return to their cabins to move through whatever it is they are feeling, same with the gods. When they can listen fully and aren't still agitated after a battle, I will explain. For now, I'd like to attend to a few things." I bow to him. "Lord Apollo." Then I continue walking, leaving behind a thinking sun god.

The three kids who I met in the garden earlier run after me and end up walking beside me as I head for the Big House. Hannah, James, and Derek start talking to me.

"Are you okay?" Hannah asks in concern.

"Fine." I answer.

"You sure?" Derek asks.

"Absolutely." I tel him.

"You don't look it." James says.

"Why?" I reply.

"Because you don't look too happy." James tells me.

"I am irritated with the immortal campers." I say.

"That makes sense." Derek mutters. "I'm always annoyed by them."

I chuckle. "Glad you think so. I expect many questions, but mainly from you. I will speak with you three first. Say what is on your minds."

"Why didn't you just tell us who you were in the first place?!" James exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.

I am amused by this reaction and he can tell because he starts blushing and looks away. "Because I ddn't want to come back and my main duty is to serve Ladon and the Hesperides'. Though I must defend Olympus, so I would have came at a point in time anyway. I just wanted to prolong it as much as possible and besides," I look at his pink face. "It's fun messing with over eager children who demand information on a guy who has long since been buried. But he's back. I'm back. Congratulations. You've completed your quest. Because Hannah knew just as I flashed her away. Clever. More clever than the one I used to love."

Hannah looks away shyly but has a prideful smile on her face. "Is your wife pregnant?" She whispers.

I stare at her. "Oh dear Olympus, I hope not." 

They all look taken aback. "WHY?!" Derek shouts.

I shush him. "It's not like I don't want kids," They look at me strangely. "But if Phoebe and I have any, they'll either be killed or used as weapons by the council. I don't want that kind of life for any child. But if she is, then I will have to protect it from harm. Let us hope that the gods do not grow suspicious. Could you imagine living in fear your entire life because your parents are who they are? It's bad enough Zeus wanted me dead for the power I carry. A little version of my wife and I? Forget it. It'd be ripped out of my wife's womb the moment he found out. He'd make her barren, and I would kill Zeus, the end result my being sent someplace horrible and Phoebe dying from the injury she would sustain. If we do have a child, then I would have to take several measures to keep Zeus out of knowing."

they all nod with sad expressions. "She sounds like she is." James tells me quietly.

"I know. I've been wondering for awhile now. I haven't stopped thinking about ways to keep one of my own safe. Zeus wouldn't have one running around freely. If he were to accept it easily, it would only mean it wuld be taken away when it got older. Sent to train and be set on being a servant of the gods. It makes me sick. I wouldn't be allowed to have contact with it and Phoebe would be separated from both the child and me. Further ensuring I couldn't have another and I would never betray my wife like that." I say.

"Sometimes I think Zeus needs his head examined." James spits.

"I figured that out years ago. Welcome to the team." I chuckle half heartedly.

"So, how are you going to explain your story to the others?" Hannah asks curiously.

"The questions they ask after my explanation of my fake death and hidden presence." I reply.

Rick Riordan owns PJO/HOO. I am updating my lovely readers!

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