Chapter 17 | Waiting

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Next Morning

A gentle tap on my arm wakes me up from my dreamland, I groan annoyed at the person who snatched my candy away in my dream. I open my eyes to see Ayan like always sitting beside me looking all fresh.

"Wake up" he speaks but does not look at me but grabs his phone to busy himself so I look down only to see my shirt raised up giving him a perfect view of my waist.

"Ya allah" I quickly sit up finding myself like everyday in the middle of the bed "I am sorry" I mumble but rush to go hide myself, what a great start.

After freshening up and praying with him. I lay on the bed.

"You are not going to sleep" this guy already warns me knowing how heavy sleeper I can be.

"I am not...but I am sleepy" I roll my body to be on my stomach and I look up at the guy who is typing something in his laptop.

"Eat something you won't feel sleepy" he speaks with his eyes on the laptop "but I don't like to eat after waking up"

"Go down and run five laps in the garden" he gives me an useless energy waste Idea and I only scoff at that.

"I will sleep for only 5 minutes please...I have more an hour and half for college" I pout and when he scoffs at my sweet tone I drop my head on the mattress ignoring his 'I am so done with this gurl' type of groan but let my sleep dominant my eyes.

30 minutes later

"Kinza" someone shakes my body and I can hear someone calling me from afar so I open my eyes "hmm?" I snuggle closer to the fluffy pillow but hear him sighing.

I whine loudly when I was pulled up in to a sitting position by my arm "let me sleep!!" I punch the guy's torso where my head is laying.

"God I feel like a mother. You wake up now and go get ready for your college or I am doing it" his stern voice forces me to open my eyes "can I skip the college please" My lips automatically forms a pout as I look up at Ayaan who is glaring at me.

"Get up" he order and I let my body fall down on the mattress and he quickly holds me before I could fall.

"Stand up" he pulls me up and now I am so close to throwing my legs and hands on him. He ignores my whines and drags me towards the bathroom.

"Do you want me to wash you also sweetheart?" His voice nowhere near joke so I shake my head but stomp towards the sink.

Why can't colleges and schools be at night. It's so boring and irritating to get up early in the morning just to visit that hell.

"You don't have all your life to get ready kinza, come fast" my husbandly father's voice was heard so I quickly rinse my mouth and wash myself before rushing out.

"Now are you going to take another hour to change your clothes?" He sure sounds like my mother now. I roll my eyes at him but grab my Abaya to put it on.

Advantages of Abaya wear anything inside you won't be judged.

"I will be down come fast" he eyes me up and down and walks away. And I am already eyeing the bed but slap myself mentally and reminded myself that I need to reach college today.

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