Chapter 24 | Hurting her

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"The food is not tasty in the hospital I know that...that's why I am going to cook, please wait for 20 minutes I'll be quick I promise" she speaks in a hurry while folding her sleeves up so it doesn't get dirty as she picks a bowl and pours flour into it. And peeks at me for my consent as if I was holding her back from cooking or doing something for her parents. Cooking is not my thing so I move and walk away with a nod which she did not see.

"Are you upset?! Are you getting late?! I will be quick I promise!!" She yells from the kitchen like a professional wife's does when they need something from their husband and they just yell without caring who is listening and who is not.

When my family turns to look at me after hearing kinza asking me if I am upset—god that literally made me red. This girl never leaves a chance to embarrass me.

I roll my eyes when my brother grins and was about to comment, I quickly turn my heels to go back to the kitchen were she is panicking and doing stuffs really fast.

"I heard cooking should be done with patience, if you rush and panic like this you will for sure forget some ingredients" she looks over her shoulder when my voice reaches her ears.

"Are you getting late for work?" She blinks her eyes, ignoring my sentence and starts questioning me "No I am not...take your time" a grin forms on her lips hearing what she wanted to hear "thankyou" she happily nods and again busies herself with work.

Not knowing what to do I pull my phone out and lean against the counter while checking out the emails which has filled my box. I only open the necessary emails and ignore the other's.

When I hear someone clearing his throat I lift my chin up to see Ryan walking in with a bright grin "Hey Bhabhi Whatsup?!" He like always starts being loud which I with all my heart hate something about him.

Kinza glances at him with a smile still not being all comfortable like she is with me—she stops herself from smiling and grinning alot infront of my family members which is the total opposite to what she is with me or her family members.

She blinks her not knowing what to say "Ryan?" She calls out for him and my ears are already giving her full attention "yes?" He smiles at her while playing with the vegetables.

"Why do you always say whatsapp? Do you want my whatsapp number? I just now had a new number I didn't learn the number but I'll say him to forward it to you" she motions her chin towards me not calling me by my name which is something really odd and irritating but her answer makes me chuckle and Ryaan is already rolling on his stomach while laughing loudly he is over dramatic I know.

"God bhabhi your hilarious" he holds his stomach and the counter to stay steady and not fall while laughing like a manic.

God can he be any less excited at a normal innocent answer.

Kinza looks at me confused asking me with her eyes to tell me what joke did she make so she can also join and laugh. And that confused innocent look on her face skipped a beat in my heart and I only chuckle in response.

"Bhabhi Whatsup means what are you doing? Its not Whats—haha" he again starts laughing and I am telling you, if you are someone who crack lame jokes and you want someone to laugh at them you can take Ryaan with you...he can be the best partner.

"Oh I thought you are asking my number so you can text me" she giggles and scratches her neck finally understanding what joke she made without knowing.

"By the way I am cooking something for ammi and abbu do you also want? I can make extra chicken rolls if you want for you and pack them as your breakfast?" She being all kind asks and he being the food lover quickly nods without missing a beat.

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