vi. that's not what we were meaning

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"Bog! Val's here!" Cal called from the living room

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"Bog! Val's here!" Cal called from the living room. Making one last-ditch attempt at flattening his hair before sacking it off, Harry rushed out to greet her, tugging at the slightly oversized cuffs of his faded blue jumper.

"Hey, Val," he said, wincing at the voice crack in the middle of the sentence.

"Hey, Harry," she replied, smiling up at him. She was in a similarly casual outfit, though a lot more covered up than she had been during their FaceTime, with a black hoodie that slipped slightly off her left shoulder and equally dark leggings. "How've you been?"

"Uh, pretty good, pretty good," he replied, eyes darting over her oval face before settling on a spot on the wall behind her.

Cal sighed and opened the door wider. "Come on in, Val," he said. "Did you want anything to eat or drink?"

She walked in upon his invitation, perching on the edge of their sprawling, L-shaped blue sofa. "Nah, I'm good," she said, waving him off. "What've you lot been up to today?"

"The Sidemen filmed a video," Harry said, quickly closing the door behind them as he and Cal joined her on the sofa. "Well, except for JJ."

"Oh?" Val raised an eyebrow. "Why was he not there?"

"Have you not heard about the fight?"

She blinked. "Is this part of the boxing thing he was talking about at the shoot?"

"Yeah, he's fighting Logan Paul pretty soon," Cal explained. "It's a big thing at the moment, everyone involved with YouTube and stuff is talking about it."

"Just goes to show how aware I am of YouTube stuff," she snorted, shifting her feet as she stared around the living room, fingers fiddling with her phone. "Um, Harry, you mentioned something about Fifa...?"

Cal burst out laughing. "Oh man, he invited you over to play Fifa?" He clapped Harry on the back, shaking his head. "What a guy you are, Bog, what a guy."

He shrugged him off, scowling. "What's so wrong about that?" he protested.

"Fifa? Seriously?" Cal flicked his eyes towards Val, who was looking between them with visible confusion in her large brown eyes. "You can say no, by the way. Just cause he's some big YouTube donny doesn't mean you have to suffer through that."

"I've never played Fifa before," she said, shrugging, "so I'm not opposed to playing it." A cheeky smile crept onto her face, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "Plus, Harry seemed pretty terrible from the videos I watched, so it can't be too hard to beat him, right?"

Harry made a spluttering noise, struggling to get out words as his two friends ganged up on him, both bent over from laughter.

"You're a delight, Val," Cal said, wide grin splitting his face in two. "I hope you crush him."

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