viii. a break in the routine

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"What's going on, Harry?" Were the first words out of Katie's mouth after Harry accepted her FaceTime request

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"What's going on, Harry?" Were the first words out of Katie's mouth after Harry accepted her FaceTime request. He almost dropped his phone after hearing the brusque, clearly displeased tone of her voice, catching it just in time and bringing it to his face.

"What do you mean?" he asked, heartbeat speeding up as he took in the harsh frown on her delicate face.

It was the first time in a while that they had FaceTimed - usually, they settled for texting, perhaps FaceTiming every month or so. She looked as beautiful as ever, brown hair falling over the sharp dips of her collarbones and the bare, tan expanse of her neck, dressed in what appeared to be a red-and-white floral-patterned dress or shirt, but her lips were pressed into a thin, pale line as she stared at him.

"The video," she snapped. "Twitter's blowing up about it. Do you know how many tweets I'm getting about it? How many Instagram comments?"

He dragged a hand over his face. "Wait, is this all about the speed dating video?" he asked, a squeaking crack slicing through his sentence. "You literally agreed to me doing it, why are you going off about it now?"

Her frown deepened. His answer had clearly not been the one she was looking for. "Yeah, I agreed to it," she said, "but I thought you'd just purposefully dumb shit, just like in the Tinder vid. Instead, you basically had an actual date!"

"I did do dumb shit!" he shot back, feeling his face heat up through sheer stress. "I literally chugged champagne and fucked off for one of the three girls!"

"And for the third, you didn't look at the cards once," Katie hissed. "Just had a nice, lovely conversation. God, this is the girl you were talking about before, the one that tagged along for the night out, isn't it?" Her expression twisted, darkening even further. "I bet she was all over you."

His grip on his phone tightened, joints stiffening, fingers beginning to tremble from the force. "For your information, she wasn't all over me, she was a perfectly normal and helpful friend," Harry said.

"Normal and helpful," she repeated with a scoff, shaking her head. "Yeah, I bet she was helpful."

His whole body shook with pent-up, nervous adrenaline. "What the fuck?" he asked, the pitch of his voice soaring. "What are you trying to say? That I cheated on you?"

The muscles of her face twitched. "No," she said, but the pause between his question and her response was too long for comfort.

"That's what it sounded like," he said, raking a hand through his tousled hair. "You can't be serious. That's an insane jump to conclusions."

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