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The darkness was my comfort zone.
It was there when I'm alone.
The darkness became my home.
When I was stuck in this place, this big dome.

I can see clearly in the dark,
But I'm blind in the light.
The dark has always a spark,
While in the light it's a sore for the sight.

In the world, I'm the unknown,
But in the dark I have always shown,
Who I am and what I'm supposed to be,
Something the world will never see.

I always see the light in the dark,
But in the light it's always a question mark.
What's in there and how does it work?
I never knew, since the darkness is the only place where I lurk.

I never understood why I can't see,
In the light where people said is where I should be.
But now I understand that I became one with darkness itself,
I am the shadow, and I need no help.


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