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Why do you believe in destiny?
When at the end of the day, it'll only bring agony.
I've thought of this for a long time,
Why can't we buy love with a dime?

And I met your eyes one day on the street,
I knew it was love. My love just lit.
Lit a fire made of my love in my heart to my bones,
You caught my attention, my mind is blown.

Now I know why people make a fuss,
Of the so called destiny even in rust.
It finds gold in the middle of nowhere,
When it's all dirt it'll make a way for you to be somewhere.

An earth sign, so cool.
It also represents a bull.
I'm inlove, I really am.
This is mad, but I'm falling deep, damn.

I wish to tell you,
But I feel like being froze.
I met your gaze and I was in awe.
I never knew I'd say this, but spare my heart, dear Taurus.


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