Ch. 3 "Explain"

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                                 Pepper POV 

"Tony I can explain," I said sitting across from him, 

"Please do. because I would like to know when you were planning on telling me you have a child," He said 

I sighed, 

"Look, six years ago, before we even met, I was with someone. his name was Chad Tracy a few months after meeting him, I got pregnant, with Satori, we were together for three year, Until I ended it," I said 

"Why not to nit pick, but why leave after three years?" Tony asked, 

"I realized he was never going to put me or Satori first, work was what always out ranked us, I mean look what happened today, they were supposed to go to the festival, not even three hours after dropping Satori off. he drops everything leaving me to pick up the pieces," I said still a little angry, 

"Sound like a real charmer," Tony said sarcastically 

I glared at him, 

"Sorry, why didn't you tell me?" He said 

"I was going to when I was ready, I haven't even told Satori about us, she just so innocent she sees the word differently," I said 

"Pepper your going to have to tell her at some point," He said 

"I know," I said nodding, 

"I also didn't want her getting mixed up in this hero stuff," I said 

Tony nodded, 

He was silent, 

"Tony I-" I began, 

He cut me off by holding up his hand stopping me, 

"Through I am a little annoyed that you didn't tell me, I understand. but I want to meet her, and not like we did today." He said 

I raised an eyebrow, 

"You want to meet her?" I asked 

He nodded, 

"She seems like a interesting kid," He said 

I nodded, 

"Tomorrow lunch time," he said 

"Okay," I said 

"Perfect then it's settled, you, me and Satori," He said standing up, 

"Think it would be best to get to know my girlfriend's daughter don't you think?' He said smiling at me, 

"Yeah," I said standing up, 

                                           Satori POV 

I was fast asleep in bed, when the light from the hallway woke me up, 

I see mommy walking in, kneeling in front of my bed, 

"Sorry to come in so late Honey," She said petting my hair, 

This is normal, after my dad lets me down, she always checks on me that night, making sure I'm okay, making sure I'm not upset, 

"It's okay." I said rubbing my eyes, 

"So guess what?" She said 

"What?" I asked looking at her, 

"Tomorrow were going to meet Tony for lunch, would you like that?" She asked, 

I smiled ear to ear, boy did that wake me up, I thought, 

"Boy would I," I said smiling at her, 

I mean Tony Stark, Iron man, one of the smartest people on earth, he's a legend the only other person who can match his smarts is Bruce Banner and he works with him. 

I know I'm droning on like a fan girl, but who wouldn't want to have lunch with Tony Stark, 

Not many people get that kind of a opportunity. 

And Mommy talks about him a lot, 

How cleaver he is, how annoyingly right he is. 

How frustrating he can be, 

But I think deep down she respects him, who wouldn't I do, he built the Iron man suit himself, and the only reason I know that is because Mommy told me so, but that's our little secret. 

She smiled at me playing with the ends of my hair, 

"You sure your okay honey?" She said 

"I'm fine mommy," I said smiling at her, 

To tell you the truth I'm used to my dad disappointing me, letting me down time and time again, so it's nothing new to me. 

All I need is mommy. she's the one who takes care of me. puts me first. cheers me up when I'm sad. takes care of me when I'm sick. does everything for me that my dad never did. 

At this point I'm so used to my dad's absences I don't think I even need a father in my life. as long as I have mommy I don't need him. 

Why would I need him. all he does is get my hopes up just to crush them. Not show up when I need him. 

No even get me christmas presence for christmas. Never show up to my birthday only excuse is because work got in the way. 

Who needs him? I don't. Mommy doesn't. 

"Okay." She said smiling at me, 

She kissed my forehead, 

"Get some sleep," She said 

I nodded, 

"Goodnight honey." She said 

"Goodnight mommy." I whispered letting my eyelids slowly flutter shut

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