More than just a POKÉMON Emergency!

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"HEY! (Y/N)! Wake up!" A young familiar female voice shouted.

(Y/N) blearily opened his eyes, his vision blurred and fuzzy, seeing a small-ish figure with ginger hair in a side tail. "Huh?" The champion responded, rubbing his eyes.

"It's me Misty." The figure said, crouching down by (Y/N). "Paramedics are on the way, and Officer Jenny is here too."

"Just try and relax (Y/N), it'll be less painful for you." The blue haired officer informed, while holding onto the Rattata. "Also, you would probably still be dying here if it weren't for Rattata."

(Y/N)'s eyes were about to shut once more, but he was being kept awake by Misty and Officer Jenny, keeping his mind active by asking a series of questions like; 'How many fingers am I holding up', and requesting a few minor tasks like; 'Follow my fingers with both of your eyes' and 'Try steady your breathing'. Soon enough paramedics arrived on the scene and got the injured teenage champion in the back of the ambulance and handed the two backpacks to Misty. Officer Jenny and Misty were told they couldn't accompany (Y/N) to the hospital, and should either drive alongside or behind the ambulance. Misty however, wanted vengeance for her bike and asked Officer Jenny to take her to the PokéCentre. (Y/N) was injected with anaesthesia and he lost consciousness.

Misty and Officer Jenny arrived at the Pokémon Centre, with the red-head having her bicycle over her shoulders... with the two wheeled mode of transport being extra crispy.

"Hey, you! Black haired kid!" The red-head pointed out Ash with a very disgruntled expression and tone to match. "You owe me a new bike, and your brother an apology!" She shouted, trying her best to keep her balance with the bike over her shoulders.

Ash wasn't in any mood to respond, as his Pikachu was in the ER, his face was solemn, his body posture was terrible, his shoulders were slumped and his head hung low.

Misty seemed to get slightly more aggravated from the lack of response or apology. "Hey, answer someone when they're talking to you!"

"What about when the person is not talking, but shouting instead? Besides... What happened to your bike?" Ash asked with minor amounts of sassiness.

"You happened to it! This is what's left of it after you stole it to save your pokémon! Now I see why your brother and pokémon are i-!" Misty ranted as she began to lose balance. "Woah." She landed on the floor, and smacked away Ash's hand as he offered to help.

Meanwhile in the hospital, (Y/N) was in ICU, with tubes and a respirator over his face to make sure he was breathing. It was evening before (Y/N) came too again, looking left and right, at the tubes, IV's and the respiratory bag and mask above his head, with a heart rate monitor by the side of his bed, beeping every few seconds.

The Indigo League champion sat up carefully, and took the mask off for a couple seconds to see if he could breathe well enough without it, which luckily, he could. The pain in his chest was still prominent, despite the painkillers being injected into his body, since they couldn't use morphine on a fifteen year old.

"Ugh... My head..." He groaned as he took off the heart rate monitor's sensors, making the monitor start doing a continuous beep. "Ash..." He muttered as he stood attempted to stand, and being unable to due to the anaesthesia still wearing off, and the scarring on his pecs. "Did I have surgery?" He wondered aloud as medical staff rushed in with defibrillators and a bag of medical wonders.

The staff got (Y/N) back into his bed carefully, gently keeping him led down.

"Guys... I need to make sure my brother is okay." (Y/N) managed to breathe out as his temperature started rising, causing him to begin hyperventilating.

I'll Carve My Mark (Pokémon Series x Male Reader) [Kanto]Where stories live. Discover now