The Sensational Sisters!

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It was a bright sunny day on Route 4 on the other side of Mount Moon, and the heat was beating down on the group of trainers, it was hot enough for (Y/N) to be without his jacket, keeping it as padding the mystery egg in his bag safe, and Torchic was enjoying the heat while on it's trainer's shoulder. (Y/N) grabbed a berry off of one of the nearby trees as they walked, it was a rather quiet walk, with the occasional mention of the weather being great.
The tranquillity was lost when Misty's voice rang out to Brock and the two Ketchums.

"Hey, wait a minute!" Misty called out while running up behind them to catch up, once she caught up though, she stopped and panted a little bit to catch her breath, "hey, where do you think you're going?" She asked with a whine to her voice.

Ash looked Misty in the eyes, "oh, I know where we're going. We're going to Cerulean City," he said in a somewhat innocent tone, but that made Misty panic... a lot, but the thought of Cerulean City brought a smile to (Y/N)'s face.

"Ahh... Cerulean City..." (Y/N) smiled dreamily, his mind wandering to the Sensational Sisters of the Cascade Gym.

"Cerulean City!? What're you going there for?" Misty asked in a worried tone. Ash said something but (Y/N) wasn't listening as he was too busy still daydreaming about the Sisters and walked alone, but was soon blocked by Misty. "Hey, what about we go to Vermillion City? It's by the ocean, and there's this big hill where you can watch the sunset," Misty tried her best to convince the group to not go to Cerulean City.

However, (Y/N) had priorities, "sorry Misty, but the Sensational Sisters are there, and I've been waiting for Cerulean for a while now," he said, side-stepping Misty and continuing, with Ash and Brock following close behind, and Misty lingering behind with a pout.

It took a full day of travel, but they finally made it to Cerulean City, and (Y/N) was too caught up in his daydreams still to be bothered about listening to Ash or Brock, but a crowd swarming someplace seemed to catch all three's eyes, and so they walked closer to investigate, not having much trouble pushing through the crowd to reach the front.
"Excuse me, do you know what happened here?" Ash asked as he looked at someone else who was already there.

"Some burglars broke into that store last night."

Ash's brows furrowed slightly, "burglars, huh?"

"What do you know about burglars!?" The familiar voice of Officer Jenny asked accusingly as she looked at Brock, Ash and (Y/N) questioningly, trying to figure them out, "you three look very suspicious to me."

Ash's face lit up in excitement, "hey, you're that motorcycle officer from Viridian!" He exclaimed happily.

"Ahh, you must've met my sister-in-law!" Jenny said rather happily, as (Y/N) chuckled slightly at the 'in-law' part, "if you've met my sister-in-law, then that means you've had some dealings with the police in Viridian," Ash was about to say something, but Jenny continued, "now, maybe you stopped to ask her for directions, or maybe you found a wallet on the ground and was going to return it, or maybe you're burglars who broke out of jail!" She yelled out the last part, extending handcuffs out, in front of her towards the three.

"I've never been to jail, officer," (Y/N) said respectively, with a small smile, "neither has Ash, or Brock... I think Brock hasn't been to jail."

"That's right, never been to jail, we just arrived in town and saw the crowd, so we came over to see what was happening," Brock added on, waving his hands in front of his face a little.

Officer Jenny's lips curled up a little menacingly, "the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime."

Brock was about to say something, but Ash pulled out his pokédex, and held it up, "maybe this will clear things up."

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