ASH VS BROCK! & (Y/N)'s New Friend

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The sky was blue, clouds occasionally dotting the blue of above, and the sights were no longer blocked by the thicket of trees owned by the Viridian Forest.

(Y/N) however wasn't thinking about making it out of the forest, in fact, his mind was stuck in the forest, more specifically right after he and Misty were stung by Beedrills, and the overnight stay in the cave. It was clear that Misty didn't know what happened, and (Y/N) planned on keeping it that way... But strangely, the feeling of being next to someone while waking up... felt comforting in a way... (Y/N) face flared up with colour as his mind wandered to hugging a girl again.

(Y/N)'s romance scenario that played in his mind was cut short. "So, what do you think (Y/N)?" Ash's voice asked.

"Uhh." (Y/N) replied monotonously as he didn't know the context of the question.

Misty got a little mad. "WERE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT EITHER OF US WERE SAYING?!" Okay, very mad.

"Not a single word." (Y/N) answered honestly, the blush still evident on his face.

"Were you thinking of seeing Nurse Joy in Pewter City?" Ash asked with a smirk, knowing his brother too well.

"...No." The elder Ketchum answered shortly, looking away slightly. "Besides... We're already at Pewter." He said, pointing at the city nearby.

Ash took one glance at where (Y/N) was pointing, and ran towards the city, hopping onto a nearby rock to get a better view. "WOOO!!!! YAY!! We made it to Pewter City!!" Ash cheered, before sitting on the rock... A rock that (Y/N) noticed was for sale.

"Ash... I wouldn't sit on that rock." (Y/N) told his brother.

"Huh, why not? It's just a rock." Ash asked confusedly about the rock.

Before (Y/N) had a chance to answer, a voice spoke out in a low raspy voice. "Pewter City is grey; the colour of stone. This town has always been famous for stone." The masculine and monotonous voice said dramatically.

"Huh, what the- Who's this guy?" Ash asked Misty and (Y/N), to which only Misty shrugged.

"Hey Flint, I'll try and get my brother off the merch." (Y/N) said, before picking up Ash and dropping him on the grass.

Flint kept his stone cold face as he thanked (Y/N). "Much appreciated."

"Wait, he sells rocks?" Ash asked, completely dumbfounded.

(Y/N) sighed, as Flint answered. "They're Pewter City souvenirs. Wanna buy some?" He offered. Ash quickly and politely declined the offer, saying that he was travelling on a quest to become a pokémon trainer. "Well, your pokémon looks a little worn out. C'mon follow me, I'll show you to the Pokémon Centre."

Misty and Ash muttered amongst themselves, saying how looks can be deceiving, and that Flint may be a kind guy, however (Y/N) knew better. As he started chuckling and handed Flint ten pokédollars. "To pay for resting on the rocks." (Y/N) said as he walked past with Torchic on his shoulder, while taking up a fast-paced stride to the Pokémon Centre.

By the time Ash and Misty reached the Pokémon Centre, (Y/N) was already sitting down with Nurse Joy, chatting and flirting, however Nurse Joy never really seemed to pick up on the flirting. (Y/N) was trying his best at the subtle hints and flirty remarks.

"C'mon (Y/N), she's not gonna pick up on your flirting if you're gonna be subtle about it." Ash stated as he walked in with Misty and Pikachu by his side.

"Ash! Don't point it out so obviously!" The older Ketchum desperately pleaded, completely surprised at Ash's sudden arrival.

"Oh, I did pick up on the flirting, I just didn't want to hurt his feelings by saying no flat out." Nurse Joy stated. "I... Said that out loud didn't I? Oh my." She asked, hoping she didn't actually speak it out loud.

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