Wins: 100 / Losses: 01

346 15 7

With two pokémon badges under Ash's belt, Ketchum and co. walk in strides towards Vermillion, despite Ash's many mistaken turns, always being put back on course by his older brother, or Misty who constantly goes on about the cruise ship which (Y/N) was glad he was only going to be seeing, not actively going on.
(Y/N) didn't really want to return to Vermillion, and was actively trying to delay the inevitable, by taking as many 'shortcuts' as possible, and getting easily distracted with every little thing.

"Where are we going?" Ash asked for the umpteenth, turning back to the group.

Misty stepped forward slightly, "how many times do we have to tell you?" she asked, as (Y/N) rolled his eyes slightly, "Vermillion City, it's got a luxury cruise ship and I'm dying to see it."

"We won't have time for sightseeing," Ash pointed out, unamused by Misty's constant pestering about a cruise ship.

Brock kept walking ahead, "I heard there's a pretty good gym in Vermillion."

Ash's eyes lit up in excitement, "a gym!? Alright! Let's go! I'm gonna win my third badge!"

(Y/N) mumbled under his breath as Ash ran off ahead, gloating about how the trainers on this route probably don't have even a single badge, and thought himself invincible. "God, my brother's an idiot sometimes," he added to his unintelligible muttering.

"Sometimes?" Misty asked, clearly not impressed by Ash's antics.

As the day passed with Ash battling every trainer he came across, Ash showed just how arrogant he was being, cheering himself on and bragging about his badges. With Misty and Brock already thinking it was a mistake to give him the badges, even Pikachu and (Y/N)'s Pidgey were agreeing.
This time, victim of Ash's hubris number ten decided to point Ash to a true challenge, a trainer by the name of Ajay.

Ash was perplexed, and decided to ask, and the kid continued, "yeah, Ajay. He lives over there," he said, pointing behind him towards the woods. "He trains savage pokémon; he built his own gym. He's never lost a single match," and Ash took that personally.

"Until now," Ash said with a cocky smile, "he's never met a trainer like me before."

(Y/N), Misty and Brock looked at Ash as if he were talking a different language. "He's getting a big head," Misty commented quietly.

"Yeah, but his brain is still the same size," Brock added.

"I'm so glad I brought a strong pokémon with me before leaving Cerulean," (Y/N) sighed, looking at his younger brother.

After a brief walk into the forest, the group saw the "gym" that Ajay was apparently running. There was a huge wooden post wall with a large sign above the gate that read - "A.J.'s Gym Undefeated!! W: 98 | L: 0." As (Y/N) looked a little closer, he saw some smaller text underneath, "Note: Gym not sanctioned by Pokémon League."
(Y/N) heard Ash already ripping off the gym.

"Well, would you look at that, this gym isn't even licensed by the Pokémon League," Ash chided, sounding incredibly cocky, "'undefeated', big deal, I can beat him."

"Ninety-eight wins in a row..." Misty said in awe, before gaining a smug look on her face and turning to Ash, "you may have won ten battles in a row, but he's won nearly ten times the matches you have."

Ash barked back at Misty, "I go for quality, not quantity!" he shouted, not enjoying the snarky comments.

(Y/N) shook his head tutting slightly, "calm down, this Ajay is gonna be a problem. If he trains wild pokémon, he's been training pokémon much longer than you have, he's more experienced than you."

Ash glared at his older brother, "so? Brock and Misty are more experienced than me, but I beat them and got the gym badges."

"You got the Boulder Badge out of pity, and the Cascade Badge because you stopped Team Rocket, you won neither of those battles," (Y/N) pointed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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