fuddy duddy

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The lan disciples put Wei wuxian next to the corpse looking man, normally they would have given him a room of his own to rest in, but they thought he might have been recently infected with whatever the man had. They checked over his pale skin and put a damp rag on his forehead, before bowing and quickly going to exit the room as lan qiren and lan Xichen walked in, unfortunately, they were called to a stop by lan Xichen,  do you happen to know what happened to childe wei? 
The disciple turned around to be meet a calming smile, which did the job to ease him down.   Zewu jun- the disciple bows . It seems he passed out, by the gates hes the head disciple of the Jiang clan of Yunmeng and was extremely pale and malnourished, the disciple explained.
We see that.lan qiren spoke as he crossed his arms, as a response lan Xichen gave a sympathetic look to the disciple which was under such a stern gaze from lan qiren.
"Why did you put him here then" lan Xichen asked.
"W-well he looked similar to the corpse so we thought they should stick together...
And! Uh.. and he was said to be stuck in a gaze or in his head through the first meeting with the disciple at the gate." The disciple said as he shrunk in on himself.
"I see. Your dismissed" Lan Xichen said.
The disciple quickly hurried away leaving lan qiren and lan Xichen alone.
They both walked over to the corpse to inspect it. Lan Xichen traced his hand over the lines the man/corpse had on him as well as checking its eyes.
"Shifu I've never seen anything like this." Lan Xichen said as Lan qiren got closer to the body as he too looked it over. 
"He must have been cursed." lan Xichen continued.
"Wangji, only brought one body back?" Lan qiren spoke with a sigh.
"Clans around gusu have also reported.  They have been saying many cultivators are missing, which is why I sent wangji to investigate," lan Xichen explain. As he inxpected The disciple once again, "this disciple is from one of our branch familys." Lan Xichen said as lan qiren went to the head of the body.
Lan qiren hummed as a response before  inserted qi into the body's neck, causing resentful energy to fly onto his hand causing both party's eyes to widen. He quickly stopped as the resentful energy on his hand banished into the air.
Wicked sorcery. Lan qiren spoke with
malice.  Shifu. Lan Xichen spoke as he was alarmed
A soft giggle was heard to the side of them.
They both quickly turned to see Wei wuxian laying on his side with one of  his leg up as he supported his head with his hand.
You- what are you laughing at! lan qiren spoke with annoyance as he tried to regain his composure. 
When did you wake up..? asked lan Xichen as he tried to compose his nerves.

Nothing I'm sorry. Wei ying said while containing his laughter.
He couldn't help but laugh by the way lan qiren spoke and looked when angry. It was like looking at a mad kid about to pop.
That's when a cold breeze filled the room, causing his laughter to stop.
Wei wuxian quickly got up from his position and stood alarmed with his full attention on the body that was still laying down. Once He did that the other two followed his gaze.
It took only a few seconds for the body to spring up at an alarming speed.
Lan qiren started walking around the now sitting up figure followed by lan Xichen and an out of place Wei wuxian.
The body opened its fully white eyes as lan qiren and lan Xichen sucked in a breath.
Wei wuxian put his hand on the body, will his eyes stared into the things soul.  confusing the other Men in the room.
He looks dead... and overall gives off dead person but really you can't count him as dead.
Wei wuxian spoke as his mind was praising himself on how good of an actor he was.
The other two in the room exchanged looks as they both were worried and confused at how at ease Wei wuixan seems in this situation even though it was evident in the huge bags under his eyes, he was exhausted.
Wei ying looked at them as he put his hand under his chin. "Seems like hes..." there was a dramatic pause.
Seems like what.? Lan Xichen spoke trying to speed Wei wuxian up.
Like.... Wei wuxian scrunched up his face.
Lan qiren and lan Xichen involuntary leaned in.
Wei yings mouth opened wide causing the other two to narrow their eyes..
"A puppet! He seems like a puppet!" Wei yings voice ran through the room as he snapped his finger and leaned back.
The Lans seemed to notice it too as they looked at each other with calculating gazes.
This surprised Wei ying shouldn't lan qiren be annoyed at how long such small information took him to say. But he quickly dismissed the thought.
After a while of silence lan qiren finally said, a manipulable puppet.
In that long silence Wei ying was fuming how could it take so long for them to say that! It felt like it lasted 2 incense!
And Wei ying wanted to leave fast he still needed to meet lan zhan tommorow night!
And the big elephant in the room is that lan wangji was absent in this moment! Wei ying had no one to gaze at other than that scary looking puppet! Couldn't he just come out of nowhere like in those bo-
It was like the heavens had heard him as a knock followed by brother was heard.
The man of his Drea- lan wangji entered the room and bowed at them before stopping to look at the corpse than at Wei wuxian who's face was still only a few inches from the corpse, if you looked from behind Wei yings back it would look like something, Well too indecent to say.
Lan wangji coughed before turning to his brother. Did I interrupted something.?
He asked.
"No." Lan Xichen spoke with the soft smile reappearing on his face.
I came to report that I have finished the rounds . Lan wangji spoke before turning to wei wuxian again who was now standing there with his hands behind his head and a care free expression on his face.
It was almost like lan zhans gaze made Wei ying immediately start thinking about things.  As he was doing just that, Wei ying then remembered that since he passed out, He wasn't really able to convince lan zhan to let them in, so his poor shijie must of had to stay in the cold while he got the luxury of sleeping in a warm bed!  Honestly he wouldn't mind if Jiang cheng were to attack him.
"Aghh you!" Wei ying raised his voice.
His voice brought the attention of the rest of the Lans in the room on him.
Wei ying turned to lan qiren and lan Xichen. "This Fuddy duddy didn't let the Jiang sect through the gates he spoke as he pointed his hand at lan zhan in an accusing manner."
Lan zhan who was taken aback by the sudden accusation couldn't help but slightly  raise his eyebrows, before facing his brother.
Getting the sign lan Xichen quickly coughed.
"Actually your shijie and young master jiang were escorted through the gates, lan wangji was even kind enoug-"
"Brother!" Lan wangji softly shouted as his ears turned slightly pink which didn't go unnoticed by lan Xichen or Wei ying.
Lan Xichen softly laughed. "Wangji was kind enough to escort you into this room himself."
Guilt washed over Wei ying as he quickly put down his arm. "Ahh- I'm sorry to have troubled you he bowed." His sudden mood change surprised the ones around him, but their surprise was quickly drained as Wei ying got up from the bow and returned to his obnoxious self..   "I guess your not that bad! But your still a fuddy duddy"Wei ying said with his cheeky smile plastered on his beautiful face.
Even though he seemed to be having fun, his thoughts were the complete opposite.
"Im so irresponsible! How could you keep burdening lan zhan wasn't your last life enough! Why must you worry him!
Wait.. worry how funny of you to assume he's worried! How embarrassing aren't you embarrassing! All you ever do Is burden people! Such a hero you are!"
"Uh childe Wei..? " Wei wuxians thoughts came to a halt as he was thrown out of his head.
"Are you still out of it? It will be best if you rest." Lan Xichen said as he turned to wangji in a suggestive manner.
Before either could refuse what wasnt said but still lingered in the air, lan Xichen spoke,  "I'll have wangji escort you."
Quikly Wei ying put his hands up in a dismissive manner. "Ah! I wouldn't want to trouble him anymore! I do appreciate the offer though!"
Wei ying turned back to lan zhan to see he had turned to the exit and was now looking back at him
"Ah you know! You really are-"wei ying said before following lan zhan.
The night was beautiful as the stars shone down on them. The chilling breeze was no longer a bother but more of something he welcomed with open arms.
Wei wuxian was humming a soft tune as he changed the way he walked from time to time.
He was being led through a small patch of trees he remembered was in the middle of cloud recesses. Wei ying  turned around to see lan zhan had stopped walking and was just staring at him.
It took Wei wuxian a while to regain himself.
"A- Aiya- lan zhan you know a maiden would have passed out if she saw you staring like that!" Wei yings dramatic pout was then replaced with a smile as he saw the slight red tint in lan zhans ear.
"Shamless!" lan zhan said before walking passed Wei ying.
"Lan zhan!~ Don't leave me!!"

In truth lan zhan has been having strange dreams for the past three days.
His first is of a man carrying a flute slowly fading, he sees his own hand try to grab at the man, but he was out of reach. He hasn't seen his face just the back of his silhouette as he disappears in black mist. The second one was the same man's silhouette sitting by a stream of water humming a tune. The most recent one was of once again the same man, but this time he spoke.
A-yuan! Your so messy! The man was sitting across him separated by a table but the man's face was faded in black as he spoke to a child while wiping the said child's mouth.
Wei wuxian and the man in his dreams sounded extremely familiar but at first he dismissed the thought thinking  it must have been a coincidence, but after hearing the humming he couldn't help but notice how they were the same tune and altogether same song.

Originally I just wrote cause I was bored and wanted to practice my writing! To be honest I wasn't going to continue. But then you guys were being superrr sweet!  😭
So I hope you guys like this chapter thingy and thanks! 💕🤗
Somewhere around 1700 words!

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